(note: this is not likely on the main litecoin app, but I think it is on the Scrypt Miner)
So I haven't opened up my bitcoin client in about 2 weeks, and I am on a Mac.
On may 8th I decide to try my hand at litecoin mining.
I installed the normal litecoin app:
https://github.com/downloads/litecoin-project/litecoin/litecoin-0.6.3c-macosx.dmgbut that didn't start mining for me (turns out I just needed to tweak some settings).
I also installed this:
https://github.com/downloads/litecoin-project/litecoin/Scrypt%20Miner%20GUI%20-%20OSX.zipWhich is Scrypt miner.
Both of these are in the download links on the litecoin website.
On may 10th, all of my bitcoins were transfered out of my wallet in this transaction
Which appears to have ended up at this address
http://blockexplorer.com/address/14j73fVVomPRpfzxb9DmYQQy7sFZj626a8Which has about $50000 worth of bitcoins on it.
Now it it totally possible that that this wasn't a trojan horse. I do backup my unencrypted wallet in dropbox, and maybe someone in dropbox has compromised it (happened in linode before).
I don't see any other practical ways I was attacked, but the timing with the litecoin thing seems way too close for me, and it could have been the scrypt miner that had the backdoor in it. The miner app crashed immediately after I ran it.
If anyone has the capabilities to test this, it would be really great for the community. I think the best test would be for someone to run the the app on a test machine and see if it makes any network requests that transfer private keys from a wallet. I am out about 20 bitcoins (or about $2000), which totally sucks for me, but it looks like this hacker is raking in a lot more than my little score.
If anyone wants to toss some replacement bitcoins my way, this address is secure: