since it's a bot program you'll be scanning mostly for hiding hacker keys* and what not, hijackthis recomended.
remember that 2004 antyvirus program infecting around and 90% of cases you needed to reformat atleast 4 times your harddrive or install a new one to get rid of it? or some cases that virus was hiding in the memory of a graphicscard?
hijackthis was a good cure for it.
best to run pc in safemode if os is windows
search & destroy is also good.
i use the 2 when scanning something suspesious or any program i download before install
*hacker keys like in keyloggers, trojans, ..
quote, jackg:
Intensly scanning file for viruses using NIS.exe...
Program fixating and focussing on that file alone!
No threats found. Seemed to scan two files where there was only one to scan. Putting this down to an internet download though.
why not scan the whole folder where you've put that file in you downloaded, in case it duplicates itself when downloaded? you never know. the reason i mentioned "hijackthis" and "you need to know your computer"
I can check this with my full list of allthefiles, subfiles, subfolders and folders and all of their attributes, author and size!