Loads more easter eggs are on the forum,another one of them, similar post count thing(which no one has achieved yet)
ask shorena for details seems if you have 100,000+ posts it shows your post count as "I'm a geek!!!!". One more that I know is put your birthdate as today(any year) and see what happens.
Edit : Some bonus features not necessarily easter eggs:
Some hidden BBcodes:
Like /me in IRC * user test
* NLNico test
[me=user] test[/me]
/me test
Showing date based on timestampActually
useful for showing localized time for auctions/contests/etc. (!)
Example, this auction finishes at: October 03, 2015, 12:00:00 PM (everyone will see time based on their user setting)
Some useless kiss smileys, lol test :-* test :-*[chrissy] test[/chrissy]
[kissy] test[/kissy]
Abbreviation and acronymsInfo on hover[abbr="Info here"]Info on hover[/abbr]
same with [acronym]
AnchorLink with
this to
[iurl=#this]this[/iurl] to [anchor=this]here[/anchor]
Quote with link sourceAlso allows other bbcode:
[quote="www.google.com or [size=20pt][color=red]other bbcode[/color][/size]"]foo[/quote]
Bonus smileys:>:D