Within the last week, I posted something significant around 3-4 AM Pacific, but it doesn't show up in my post history and I didn't get a notification that it was deleted by moderator. Can a mod PM me the removed post? I wasn't under the influence of any mind-altering substance whatsoever as I never consume any, and will never.
It was in one of the redundant Facebook Messenger payments topics, and I think when it got trashed, my reply (below) disappeared out my post history too. Found it in
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=drafts at BadBear and theymos's suggestion.
It's debit card based, and as such, will be mass database hacked in short order regardless of how many levels of security people put on their accounts individually. Let insane motherfuckers expecting a different result go through millions more stolen debit card disputes... eventually they will get a fucking clue that fiat payment methods are all ripe for theft.
I don't hold out much hope for them hearing us when we say never to keep BTC on private keys out of your exclusive control (worse than credit/debit databases, as there are no chargebacks in BTC), though.
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