If you have any, share your knowledge on "binary options"
very simple yes-or-no bets made between 2 entities. Think of them like statement betting.
"The price of bitcoin according to X exchange will be >= Y price on Z date & time"
[using more english]
"The price of Bitcoin according to Bitstamp will be >=$300 USD on 5/5/2015 at 5:55 UTC"
A binary option must only have 2 possible outcomes. The sites that run binary options usually charge a fee to the winner. Binary options have been around the financial and equity markets for a while. The site that runs them charges a fee, and from a player perspective to beat that fee you need to have proper information before the rest of the market. This system is like poker, in that it will create many losers and a few winners. I don't dabble in them, although some of my earlier BFL-facing bets (that are public here in this forum) are very similar to a binary option.
I thought you were joking until I searched you up and damn must I say you're pretty famous xD.
Few questions:
1. Is it possible for one to make a living out of playing poker? It seems you are really good at it so I would hope so.
2. There are alot of poker sites that give out freerolls eg bitcoinpoker.gg, nitrogen sports, did you try playing those? If you could you can win a ton.
3. Is it better to play physically because you can see other people bluff?
4. How long have you had your blue sunglasses, they're in every picture xD
5. What would you recommend reading over to people who are new to poker. I know the rules of poker and hands and stuff but I'm not really good at it. Are there any pointers you can give me? And what websites to read to learn more?
0) we have different definitions of "pretty famous"
1) It is possible to make a living out of poker. Also possible to make a living out of picking up everyone's trash. It is worth restating that it's not as glamorous as it seems to do so.
2) Freerolls have a very low "EV" or "expected value" The purpose of them is to offer a +EV situation (albeit very small) to every player in the tournament. The amount that I could win by playing every freeroll on the internet all day every day is likely far less than minimum wage.
3) I like to play live. Some only like to play behind a computer. I have read many books on reading tells (Joe Navarro's "Read 'em and Reap" is one of the best physical tells books I have ever read. I use it more in business & life than in poker, but damn it's really good for poker too)
4) hahahaha I love those blue sunglasses! They are prescription, and I had the lenses re-fitted in early 2014 when my prescription changed. I tried to match the previous color but notice the 2014 pictures have a slightly lighter blue. I wear them everyday, they are not special for poker, just my sunglasses, and I thing I look "Like a poker player" when I wear them. It's about how the others at the table perceive me when I'm playing big tournaments.
5) there is so much information about poker on the internet in 2015. If you desire to learn some part of the game, even an overview for a newb, there are so many youtube videos and training sites now. Google your exact question, you are likely to find a forum with a detailed answer. For training sites, I like Cardrunners, Deuces Cracked, Bluefire, and Leggo poker. Books i can only recommend the Navarro book because it's so brilliant - but almost all learnings & teachings about pokers happen on the internet now.
And I think online casinos reshuffle every time as well.
yes, almost all online casinos reshuffle every hand of BJ in 2015. I think Cloudbet has a "live" blackjack table that does not. It reminds me of a funny story in early-internet gambling. in ~1998 or so, I was in college (yup, I got old back there somewhere, if you are lucky it will happen to you too) and the first online casinos were sprouting up. Very jank software, very lazy coding, and obviously 1998 level security and integrity. With no real aim other than to light some money on fire while drinking and smoking weed, my friends and I loaded up... I think it was "Intercasino" but maybe not... and we deposited $100 or so and started playing all of the games. I had read an article on blackjack card counting and wanted to know more. Because it was 1998 I had to buy a book with BlackJack basic strategy. This online casino we were playing dealt Blackjack from 1 deck, and down to the last card, then it reshuffles and starts over. By the end of the week, we had a deck next to the computer where one guy eliminated all the cards as they were dealt. We knew exactly the 52nd card to come
Insurance decisions towards the end of the deck became very +EV
We were not professional gamblers, we didn't "go for the kill," we also didn't want to get in trouble or generate massive USD transfers, so we won a few $K over a few weeks and received the cashouts, each time for like $700 or $950, just scared of getting that 4 digit check
We were even given some early "VIP rewards" in the form of $500 travel vouchers, which I thought were a scam at the time and just threw away when they sent them with the check. We were even invited to Vegas for a high rollers weekend, but none of us were 21+ lol. FYI they fixed that shit within a few weeks, went to 2 decks and dealing *almost* to the end. Was still beatable, then a within a year they were doing the every-hand-reshuffle.
I played professionally from about 2007 - 2012 as main source of income, it was a very bad decision. Stress built up over the years as the games got tougher, income was down year on year. Ending up burning out.
This is very good advice i'd only suggest playing professionally if you are a poker celebrity who gets invited to live events or has sponsorship or you run a VERY successful training site. Otherwise play part time at most.
It is clear this man is telling the truth, he has been in the battle for many years and emerged with the 1000 yd stare. I've seen some of my friends adjust when the USA government turned off Pokerstars / FTP, some moved overseas to keep playing, some turned into live grinders, and some did other things. The ones that started doing other things seem the happiest to me now. A buddy of mine, having won and lost $1M over the last ~8 years or so, went broke and then started a Drone business with a financial backer. He seems much happier than the ones that stayed to continue playing.