Now before you ask me why I'm posting here instead of the scam accusations forum is because recently there's been alot of people messaging me pertaining to the thread I've created here selling bitcoin, and asking me to conduct business through an escrow site setescrow.
Now I did some digging into this service and it seems that in Mar 2016 - Someone created the escrow site setescrow.
COM - I haven't used setescrow.
com before so don't really know much about it but the main point of the thread is that, upon further digging I realized the scammers recommended setescrow.
org which seems to be a totally different domain and site but a direct knock off from setescrow.
comWHOIS checks on setescrow.
org says that its real location is hidden - clearly these are 2 different sites, and setescrow.
org was probably created to scam people off their bitcoins.
Google search of setescrow.
org turns up limited results -
few days later someone else got my contact through an OTC channel and once again asked me to transact over the scam site So it appears it's quite scammy.
TLDR : if anybody asks u to escrow through setescrow.
ORG it's most probably an organized scam operation, backed by a fake website ripping off a legitimate(?) escrow service, i.e. escrow scam.