We all know that PoS is a weak algorithm that was proved to be very vulnerable shortly after it was introduced a decade ago. On the other hand PoW is more secure but requires more work and consumption of electricity and in most cases requires special equipment (ASIC) which means it requires long term dedication so the coin must have long term potential (only bitcoin has that).
We have to also consider that people who get into these things aren't exactly looking for security. They are looking for profit.
So the question becomes a matter of analyzing the market regardless of the algorithms and their security. For example a centralized PoS shitcoin that is pumping can be more profitable than the most secure PoW coin like bitcoin in short term but at a higher risk.
Like anything else in the cryptocurrency world people have to research the risks and rewards then decide which route to choose by making an informed decision.
Classical PoS brought to us by Peercoin was the best. But then came ETH's Vitalik Buterin with a solution to the "nothing at stake" problem, and things changed for the worst. Now around 90% of PoS coins are utterly-centralized. That's because they've copied ETH's PoS model. DPoS coins are even more centralized.
Due to government misinformation and propaganda, PoW coins have been on the brink of extinction. My guess is that Bitcoin will remain the sole PoW coin, while the rest will switch to PoS. So much for the "high energy consumption" BS, right? At least you can still make money with PoS "shitcoins". In countries where energy costs are high, PoS does wonders. You'd have to choose a consensus algorithm based on your needs. Expect PoS to remain relevant for as long as crypto lives.