Crypto-Monopoly [CMP]WEBSITE | EXPLORER | DISCORD | GITHUBAboutCrypto Monopoly - a project created for the implementation of crypto games. We plan to monopolize the development niche of the game on BlockChain.
The problem of the gaming industryThe gaming industry has stopped at the standard methods of monetizing games:
Paid games
Advertising in games
Paid content
Solution to the problemThe introduction of blockchain not only motivates the game but also begins to monetize the game as quickly as possible.
Our task is to create a gaming platform for BlockChain games.
Everyone wants to play and earn money, which we want to give to our users.
Let's imagine:You start to play the game, your card has been credited with 100 CMP.
You have several options for where to spend these coins:
1) buy items for your character
2) Continue to play and increase the number of coins on your balance - to buy a more expensive item.
In the end, the coins get back to the developer who can sell them. And get the benefit of the game user.
Other users will buy coins on the exchange in order not to spend a lot of time in the game.
We developed our game for an example of monetization of the game for the developer.
Our game development platform with BlockChain technology will change the game industry.Crytpo-Monopoly v1.0.0Play Monopoly with other people and win the CMP. Starting a new game you make a contribution of 50 coins.
At the end of the game the winner gets all the bets.
At the moment the number of players is 4. Your winnings will be 200 coins.
Road-Map1 StepGenesis Block
Website release
Block Explorer
Airdrop & Bounty
Game pre-registation
Listing TRITNodes
Game release v1.0.0
Listing exchange
2 StepMasternode starts listing (MNO)
Game release v2.0.0
Listing exchange
Android wallet release
iSO wallet release
Android game release
iOS game release
Coin infoTicker: CMP
Type: PoS/Masternode
Block time: 60 second
Masternode collateral: 1000 CMP
PoS reward: 30%
Masternode reward: 70%
Rewards: The change in the reward depends on the number of coins participating in the PoS.
The more coins involved in PoS mining, the higher the Diff of the chain.
0 -> 250 Diff: 5 CMP
250 -> 1500 Diff: 8 CMP
1500 -> 2500 Diff: 10 CMP
2500 -> 5000 Diff: 15 CMP
5000 -> 15000 Diff: 20 CMP
15000 -> 30000 Diff: 23 CMP
30000 -> 45000 Diff: 25 CMP
45000 -> 65000 Diff: 35 CMP
65000 -> 150000 Diff: 45 CMP
150000 -> 25000 Diff: 50 CMP
after 25000 Diff: 35 CMP
WALLETMASTERNODE INSTALLPre-SaleOn sale: 30 000 CMP (20 000 CMP for masternode / 10 000 CMP for stake pack)
1000 CMP: 0.25 BTC (Masternode)
100 CMP: 0.025 BTC (Stake Pack)
Buy coins you can visit online:coming soon
InstructionAfter payment you will receive a file with a private key from the wallet.
Import the key into your wallet. Coins will automatically appear on your balance.
Bounty & AirDropDiscord invite airdropInvite at least 30 people.
1 invitation = 1 CMP
Top best:
1 place: 250 CMP
2 place: 150 CMP
3 place: 80 CMP
Signature bountyComing soon
Media bountyComing soon