Imagine a time in the not-so-distant future where personal financial management is not only convenient and mobile, but also secure, private, and impervious to national borders and centralized
LAKRAN is about enabling this era, enabling an age where all people everywhere have the freedom to privately receive, spend, and manage their finances with whatever gadget they already own.
ABOUTLAKRAN is for people who want to pay and live freely, who want to be part of the cryptocurrency revolution and want to try something new.
It is based on the
CryptoNote protocol and uses the
CryptoNight-Lite algorithm, and features:
- True anonymity & data protection
Untraceable payments uses ring signature-
Unlinkable transactions with random data by the sender-
Blockchain analysis resistant- CPU/GPU mining, ASIC-resistant
TECHNICAL DETAILSBlockchain algorithm:
POWPoW algorithm:
CryptoNight-LiteMax supply:
~18.4 millionBlock reward:
Smoothly varying using the formula (M−A) / (2
18) / (10
12) where M = 2
64 −1 and A = supply mined to date.
Block time:
120 secondsDifficulty:
Retargets at every block
MORE FEATURESDifferent Proof-Of-WorkLakran's lightweight PoW (CryptoNote-Lite) allows for faster verification of the blockchain.
Blockchain pruning for scalabilityPruning allows the blockchain to stay small and not outgrow devices with limited storage. This feature also improves anonymity by reducing age-based attacks.
Fast syncingLakran helps this issue by using a 4-minute blocktime. Coupled with our lighter PoW, sync times on lower end devices can be improved by 10x or more.
Optional lightweight transfersLakran also allows for traceable transfers. These are a faster lower-fee option for non-sensitive payments, like transferring to/from exchanges.
DecentralizedLakran is a cryptocurency that works on the blockchain operated by a multitude of nodes around the world.
Adaptive difficultyLakran readjusts the difficulty with every block to react to even the slightest hashrate changes. In addition, Lakran's emission curve is smooth which prevents mining reward drops.
Hash code optimizationSince the CryptoNight-Lite algorithm is four times easier and more operational than usual, this increases the efficiency of the system by 4 times.
Adaptable restrictionsThe number of blocks in the blockchain chain, the complexity of mining, the maximum number of coins issued depend on the needs of the system, first of all - on the needs of users. And they are regulated by specially created algorithms, not developers.
Double Spend ProtectionIn a system protected by CryptoNote algorithms, each transaction is accompanied by a unique key. And it's impossible to use the same key twice. This protects against dishonest users or random system errors. The identity of the user who wanted to spend "double waste" is not disclosed, but the transfer is canceled.
ROAD MAP2019 Q2-Q3:
- Lakran Explorer
- Lakran Web Wallet
- Lakran Mobile App
- Lakran Cloud Mining Service
- Lakran API Integration
DEVELOPMENT TEAMFounder, CEO: Pavel Duglas
Co-Founder, Lead Developer: Vitaliy Shabrov
WHITE PAPERUnder development.
ECOSYSTEM- Lakran Blockchain Oriented Application
- Lakran World Exchange System
- Cloud Mining Platform (under development)
BOUNTIESPartly open.
You can help us to promote our coin to get more LAK on your wallet. Just
]download Lakran wallet.
You can use our
Lakran Exchange to get free 100 LAK for registration and get more for trading with another cryptocurrency.
Or you can
join to Telegram chat for exchange.
Or you can
donate to our Lakran wallet ID:
or using your BTC adress to:
LINK AND RESOURCESTrading, Exchange:Lakran Exchange System (trade with any 20+ cryptocurrencies)Pools:Main Lakran PoolBlock Explorers:Under development
Mining applications:
CommunityReddit Channel:
https://www.reddit.com/user/lakrancoin Telegram channel:
https://t.me/lakranGitHub source:
https://github.com/lakrancoin/lakranFacebook Fan page:
https://www.instagram.com/lakrancoin/VK group:
https://vk.com/lakranGolos IO: