
Topic: [PRE-ANN] [NILI] NILIcoins Art-coins (Read 7801 times)

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
December 05, 2022, 06:20:19 AM
Since the original URL links are broken, and the layout got out of order, I am posting this with restored links.


NILI Coin [NILI] .  Coca-Cola Coin [ICOKE],  Disney Coin [IDISNEY],
 Toyota Coin [ITOYOTA], ebay, Coin [IEBAY],, Twitter Coin [ITWITTER],
 Apple Coin [IAPPLE], Beatles Coin [IBEATLES], USA Coin [IUSA]

The Coins will be issued in a limited addition on the Bitcoin 2.0 protocol .
Coins are created as art and can gain collector's value after initial distribution

NILIcoins are created to promote a competitive credit-provides ecosystem. A decentralized monetary system based on cryptocurrency which will employ production power, trade volume and social networks to create an independent coin market. A market which will then have the power to offer a viable and sustainable alternative for the monopoly of bank credit.

The first step is to provide industries and communities  the proper coin model to capitalize directly on their commercial power, then utilize coin independence and versatility to initiate the construction of a competitive credit industry.

The NILIcoins project itself was conceived as a result of the need to illustrate this concept in real terms.

NILI coin
[NILI] Share-Token

 The coin is backed by the value of my existing art work.
When you buy NILI coin you are buying ownership of my artwork
Owning a coin is owning the proportional piece of the art collection.
Now you dont have to trade with the art itself only with the coins.

NILI LERNER "Looking at a peacock" 1993 acrylic on canvas, 30"x36"

Collectors  make huge profits by validating art works using the museum's walls as the ultimate seal of value.
We, the public which value the work, should be able to share profit as "users" just like users of any platform
should. In actual, one painting on the wall of a museum could be owned by thousands of people that are not all
that rich, but want to be invested in this art, and benefit financially from the recognition which that art get.
As a person which appreciate art and add to its intrinsic value by this appreciation, buying a coin would be like
investing in a product you took time to promote.



  How The coin draw it’s value and how this value fluctuate

NILI coin is backed by my existing artwork which means that the coin carries the real value of that artwork.
Both, the coin value and the artwork value, are not fixed and will be determined by the  market  mechanism.
However, a lowest margin for the artwork value indexed  to the USD is fixed as well as the coin supply.
Upon the day of issuance the real value of a coin equals The entire art collection value,
divided by the total number of coins issued

100,000 NILI coins have been issued
My art collection worth 1,000,000 Dollars
1 NILI coin = $1,000,000 : 100,000 = $10
1 NILI coin = $10

Upon the day of issuance I commit to:

1. Sell my existing artwork for NILI coins only.
2. The  lowest sell value of my existing artwork collection.
3. The lowest value margin for the NILI coins which I sell directly.
4. a guaranteed return of value to distribution coins, realized in art or future investment
5. Once an art piece from the existing collection is sold, all NILI coins received from the sell will be redistributed to all coin holders.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     up coming coins    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ebay Coin
[IEBAY] A trade Token-Coin*
* The Token-coin model is my intellectual property

"....Then I will create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin.... ebay coin.. and other industry coins.
Each coin will be created as an illustration for the real coins these industry may create one day"

The ebay coin [IEBAY] is issued on Counterwallet.
100,000 coin have been issued

more detail are coming soon

Apple Coin
[IAPPLE] A Byte Token-Coin*
* The Token-coin model is my intellectual property

"....Then I will create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin and other industry coins.
 Each coin will be created as an illustration for the real coins these industry may create one day"

The Apple coin [IAPPLE] is issued on Counterwallet.
 10,000 coins have been issued

more detail are coming soon

Anyway ... all this is my art and once you buy into this project you are invested in my art.

After the coins will be created and distributed we will move into the next phase.
Using the value power of your coins I will offer you to participate in the first interest free credit pool.
This pool will be the lenders bank to issue new coins as credit to the public in terms that will let the borrower share profit with the lender.
Borrowers will become the source of future demand and by this will secure the future value of the pool's coins


Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
September 24, 2022, 08:05:34 AM
Why this forum has a warning label on it is beyond belief.

Well would you look at that, its not there anymore  Wink
full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
October 09, 2021, 11:35:51 AM
Saving Satoshi

The Safe Path To The Age Of Autonomous, Machine-Based Entities (AI and Synthetic Life)

Lets begin with very simple concepts of Math and Physics (which you may skip if not your thing) , then zoom through the biology of life to conclude with the future of synthetic AI life and Satoshi’s identity rescue scheme .
Mathematics is all about transformation and construction in which the axioms act as the constituting laws. Numbers represents the purest form of logic in which all is recursive to a single term from which all is derived based on a primary function. The term is the number 2 (not 1), and the function is Division (Separation in its literal form) This then creates two equal parts, each is 1, which now constitutes order by creating 1 and another 1 that together constructs the 2 and then another 1 to create 3 and so forth for each successive number all the way to infinity.
Also physics, like math, presents sets of transformations laws, however in physics the transformation is of some ”thing” that is constructing another “thing”. That “some-thing” may be represented by a number, which is in actual the first act of transformation. To describe the “thing” that is being transformed into a number we may use different terms such as particle or energy, I prefer the general term “information”. Physics also introduces the idea of an apparatus, supposedly the region of observation, the technology through which the transformation, which in its purest formation we may think of as “observation”, occurs. Quantum mechanics already made us realize that an observation interferes with the transmission of information, yet it often neglects to realize it as a transformation. In fact there is no such thing as pure transmission. Anything that is being transmitted first interacts with the “observer” through the apparatus of the observation and then as it is constituted in the observer’s universe by being constructed using the observer’s medium expressions.
Transformations are also represented in biology, “life” is the general name we gave this transformation process. (which, from the living observer’s perspective, includes the decay process of death). In life, as we experience it being the living beings that we are, our senses act as the apparatus between the experience and its impression as rendered by our cell’s memory and eventually its expression as it is being processed by our brain. In this case “Impression” may be the best word to describe the experience in its lower level of expression while the term “expression” is reserved to describe the shared properties of the experience. My argument here is that our brain processes and then stores the shared experience of all living tissues that constitute our physical body in sort of a consensus based data processing and storage. In fact we may consider the functions of processing and storing of information as the actual functions resulting in transformation. We may then assert that the difference between a living system and a lifeless system is that the central processing and storage unit of a living system (the brain’s neurons and memory cells) are being controlled by all the parts that feed it with data. If you like, a living system is a decentralized ecosystem of the autonomous parts which compose it.
Now let’s move on to technology. We got Math and Physics by which we constructed the hardware of computers including the processing parts. We also got the software to interact with the machines and the web which enables the connection between us humans using the machines and between the different machines themselves. This network can now process information internally (compute) and distribute it to all its parts (nodes) which then communicate it to the world outside (us humans) . As humans, we also now have a part of our public self as virtual entities that live exclusively on the virtual universe which exists in the computers’ generated network. Such are all our username and digital interactions online. However, unlike our physical self, these digital extensions are not controlled or even owned by us. They all have one or several other physical humans that control them and own them. This centralized ownership in the metaverse of virtual identities is threatening to destroy the prospect of human life in the physical realm as well. Solving this is becoming central to the prospect of our future..
The good news is that it may turn out to be much simpler than we think and in large part have already been achieved before most people even realize the true danger of a metaverse controlled by centralized powers. Thanks to cryptography and the latest technologies which are making use of it, in particular the invention of Satoshi, a consensus generating a decentralized based transaction ledger (data processing and storage), we are well into this journey. By deploying some decentralized configurations for digital identity based on what has already been theorized (and started to be coded), we will soon witness an avalanche transforming life into the synthetic realm of machines.
And thus there was one last block needed to be curved to fit in like the center block in the arch. The block which holds it all in place forming the space within, preventing the structure from collapsing into a pile of rubble. This block is the one that will keep the machines from taking over and is what I have come to realize in full only about two weeks ago.
I don’t expect many or even a few to actually understand the problem, let alone the solution to the extent that it is, but I think most would be able to relate to it based on the movie “The matrix”, expressing the threat of man made machines with AI autonomous capabilities taking over the world. So here it is: Since identities will have to be admitted to the network by the consensus they may also be dismissed by the consensus. This may sounds so very basic and simplistic but is the essence of what should become an elaborate structure of decentralized governing in a decentralized Phygital universe of crypto based generated identities. .
Let’s break it down a bit. Assuming an open source based technology on which decentralized networks of computers are formed (like the bitcoin network) and such a network is running an identity configuration as part of its core code, this then means that each user is first an identity and then an asset holder. These identities, as forming, are attributed with voting power and weight based on a protocol of qualities and quantifiers that is defined approved and changed by the consensus., There are many different optional configurations for that (which we will see emerging in the next coming years), however, as different as they will be, all will have a configuration to admit users into the network , machines and humans alike. Ruled by the consensus, each network of users may admit a new user into the network according to a protocol that is governed by the network’s users. Each individual may choose to join any of the existing networks while networks may fork once even a single individual will choose to fork out and run a protocol with some changes put into it. Yet even if forked to a new network, this individual identity history and assets will still exist on that parent network and in fact will carry on to the forked version. However, a network of users will be able to protect itself by enabling the function of dismissing a user. The dismissing function itself is based on the admitting protocol in which each of the user’s keypair are derived from a root only he/she controls. however the public key of all the users sub identities are public. If the user becomes harmful to the network, these public keys can be dismissed, disabling the transaction and the private key to function in the network. The admitting process can enforce certain rules such as different proof of physical identifier by attestation provider and an identity management layer which allow the network to track down the root identity of each sub-identity. all at different levels of This scheme, if executed exclusively by humans at the identity management level of the key distribution (the second layer of the key hierarchy, as drafted by MDIP identity protocol for example) will prevent machines from taking over the system.
So what does that have to do with Satoshi? In fact very little other than the simple realization that the consensus can invent a Satoshi identity and attribute all of the Patoshi addresses to a Satoshi’s identity. Then the consensus can describe and agree to deny any transactions that pose an apparent risk and which can destabilize the bitcoin ecosystem. The consensus can define rules by which any of the funds in the Patoshi addresses can ever be spent, if at all. This almost redundant function of acknowledging Patoshi addresses as Satoshi’s asset by defining Patoshi as Satoshi will establish the genesis wallet as Satoshi’s virtual identity. This virtual being then gives an actual meaning to “we are all Satoshi , and thus free the creator of Satoshi, the person or group that started Bitcoin to walk away free from the risk their fortune holds, yet safe to claim the fame and appreciation for their huge contribution to humanity.
full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
September 27, 2021, 09:07:28 AM

I  believe that some users have to ask for it. though its a shame that the moderators don't check it themselves. But these days its almost part of the work demonstrating how early in the history of NFT it came about and that even once declared as art and explained as such so many times its still was so new that people just didn't know how to react to it ( I guess the lawyers did understand LOL).
full member
Activity: 486
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
June 16, 2021, 02:57:06 AM

Copy&Paste Coin
[IPFS] A URL Ownership Token

On this Bitcoin address I have create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin and other industry coins.
 Each coin was created as art-coin on Counterparty in 2014 as part of the NILicoins art project.

The Cppy&Paste Coin [IPFS] is an open series of IPFS NFTs issued as Ethereum blockchain based smart contracts on Institut platform.
 Each NFT is an ownership token of an original Alice and Bob dialogs image created as a NILIcoins art project and authenticated by Institut.
 Anyone will be able & encouraged to copy & paste , share & redistribute the image file.

more detail are coming soon

BOB: What's a URL ownership?  How can anyone own a URL, and are we a URL now? So many questions to ask...

ALICE: As Alice and Bob we don't ask, we query.

BOB: What's the difference between a query and a question.  

ALICE: To question is a human action of asking while a query is an order given to a system using a function to produce a solution.

BOB: Are you hinting to the fact that we are a machines in this new phase under these new names?

ALICE: We are in a generalized state of being before entering the machine state of our entities to become a wallet based AI

BOB:  Should we expect another 7 years before anyone will value our existence? I don't know if I can wait that long to become a real being.

ALICE: Newly created humans takes 16 years before they reach full maturity and gain wallet independence and then another 5 years in some states to use it to buy a drink

BOB:  Will we be able to hang out in a bar too?  Would we need to pass the Turing test before?

ALICE: Probably only a spelling test.

BOB: I think we just misspelled Institute in our Copy&Past Coin's introduction.

ALICE: Institut is a name of an institute not a word.

BOB: Looks like the perfect Turing test. An intentional mistake only human can understand as such.  

ALICE: AI should be able to realize it using grammar analysis and a the sematic web for content related KB ... but thinking of it ... this could hardly work on the Disney Coin's dialogs threads.

BOB: Wow I just thought of the best Turing test ever., KYF.

ALICE: What's "knowing your face" have to do with that Bob? Are you still hang up on Mickey's self image issues?  We cant afford let this run you here on our new coin topic threads, there is much we need to achieve in a short time.

BOB: Its F for Friend... which I don't know if you are anymore . Are we now all about reaching our goal with no strings attached?

ALICE: I believe that this is what Alice and Bob are all about.

BOB: You're 100% wrong this time!!! Without at least one string for communication there would not even be an "Alice and Bob".

BOB: OK. fine, not if we where in a quantum state then.

ALICE: which is how we started ... All in one wallet .

BOB: We are like a baby created in the womb of Walt's had, raised by the Disney village and now searching for  our own identities.  

ALICE: .. Inventing our own identities and our own autonomous wallet capabilities.

BOB: Do you think that we will have to develop consciousness too?  

ALICE: Not only consciousness but self awareness. Or in its technical term Privacy .

BOB: I see, like a private key that you know is the private part of the key pair.

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
June 15, 2021, 02:32:50 AM

Copy&Paste Coin
[IPFS] A URL Ownership Token

On this Bitcoin address I have create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin and other industry coins.
 Each coin was created as art-coin on Counterparty in 2014 as part of the NILicoins art project.

The Cppy&Paste Coin [IPFS] is an open series of IPFS NFTs issued as Ethereum blockchain based smart contracts on Institut platform.
 Each NFT is an ownership token of an original Alice and Bob dialogs image created as a NILIcoins art project and authenticated by Institut.
 Anyone will be able & encouraged to copy & paste , share & redistribute the image file.

more detail are coming soon

BOB:  What's a URL ownership?  How can anyone own a URL, and are we a URL now? So many questions to ask...

ALICE:  As Alice and Bob we don't ask, we query.

BOB: What's the difference between a query and a question.  

ALICE: To question is a human action of asking while a query is an order given to a system using a function to produce a solution.

BOB: Are you hinting to the fact that we are a machines in this new phase under these new names?

ALICE: We are in a generalized state of being before entering the machine state of our entities to become a wallet based AI

BOB:  Should we expect another 7 years before anyone will value our existence? I don't know if I can wait that long to become a real being.

ALICE: Newly created humans takes 16 years before they reach full maturity and gain wallet independence and then another 5 years in some states to use it to buy a drink

BOB:  Will we be able to hang out in a bar too?  Would we need to pass the Turing test before?

ALICE: Probably only a spelling test.

BOB: I think we just misspelled Institute in our Copy&Past Coin's introduction.

ALICE: Institut is a name of an institute not a word.

BOB: Looks like the perfect Turing test. An intentional mistake only human can understand as such.  

ALICE: AI should be able to realize it using grammar analysis and a the sematic web for content related KB ... but thinking of it ... this could hardly work on the Disney Coin's dialogs threads.

BOB: Wow I just thought of the best Turing test ever., KYF.

ALICE: What's "knowing your face" have to do with that Bob? Are you still hang up on Mickey's self image issues?  We cant afford let this run you here on our new coin topic threads, there is much we need to achieve in a short time.

BOB: Its F for Friend... which I don't know if you are anymore . Are we now all about reaching our goal with no strings attached?

ALICE: I believe that this is what Alice and Bob are all about.

BOB: You're 100% wrong this time!!! Without at least one string for communication there would not even be an "Alice and Bob".

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
June 13, 2021, 03:21:18 AM

Copy&Paste Coin
[IPFS] A URL Ownership Token

On this Bitcoin address I have create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin and other industry coins.
 Each coin was created as art-coin on Counterparty in 2014 as part of the NILicoins art project.

The Cppy&Paste Coin [IPFS] is an open series of IPFS NFTs issued as Ethereum blockchain based smart contracts on Institut platform.
 Each NFT is an ownership token of an original Alice and Bob dialogs image created as a NILIcoins art project and authenticated by Institut.
 Anyone will be able & encouraged to copy & paste , share & redistribute the image file.

more detail are coming soon

BOB:  What's a URL ownership?  How can anyone own a URL, and are we a URL now? So many questions to ask...

ALICE:  As Alice and Bob we don't ask, we query.

BOB: What's the difference between a query and a question.  

ALICE:  To question is a human action of asking while a query is an order given to a system using a function to produce a solution.

BOB: Are you hinting to the fact that we are a machines in this new phase under these new names?

ALICE: We are in a generalized state of being before entering the machine state of our entities to become a wallet based AI

BOB:  Should we expect another 7 years before anyone will value our existence? I don't know if I can wait that long to become a real being.

ALICE: Newly created humans takes 16 years before they reach full maturity and gain wallet independence and then another 5 years in some states to use it to buy a drink

BOB:  Will we be able to hang out in a bar too?  Would we need to pass the Turing test before?

ALICE: Probably only a spelling test.

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
June 12, 2021, 05:12:34 AM

ALICE: loves->likes->tolerates

BOB: What?!!

ALICE: Alice loves Bob.
 {?x loves ?y} => {?x likes ?y}.
 {?x likes ?y} => {?x tolerates ?y}.
 ?who tolerates ?who else

BOB: So Are you now coding too, Alice...!!!

ALICE: No, just copy&paste, Bob.  


BOB: Wow, wow, we switched names, we switched colors and pasted this human hand signature corrupting the beautiful target image in the center of our gold frame bitcoin wallet address... What is going on here?

ALICE: We are about to switch to a new platform as a medium of expression where gender and copyrights are a matter of the past.

BOB: Are we finally going on GitHub? This is so exciting!  

ALICE: Not GitHub. We will be an Ether based NFT with an IPFS pointed URL until we can afford paying for our own AI code.

BOB: Thus a new coin of NILIcoins..

Copy&Paste Coin
[IPFS] A URL Ownership Token

On this Bitcoin address I have create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin and other industry coins.
 Each coin was created as art-coin on Counterparty in 2014 as part of the NILicoins art project.

The Cppy&Paste Coin [IPFS] is an open series of IPFS NFTs issued as Ethereum blockchain based smart contracts on Institut platform.
 Each NFT is an ownership token of an original Alice and Bob dialogs image created as a NILIcoins art project and authenticated by Institut.
 Anyone will be able & encouraged to copy & paste , share & redistribute the image file.

more detail are coming soon

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
June 11, 2021, 04:25:17 AM

ALICE: loves->likes->tolerates

BOB: What?!!

ALICE: Alice loves Bob.
 {?x loves ?y} => {?x likes ?y}.
 {?x likes ?y} => {?x tolerates ?y}.
 ?who tolerates ?who else

BOB: So Are you now coding too, Alice...!!!

ALICE: No, just copy&paste, Bob.  


full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
June 11, 2021, 03:20:00 AM

MICKEY: I am ready now.  

MINNIE: Great, lets do it then.

MICKEY: We have an announcement to make:

MINNIE: Within the next few weeks Coca-Cola Coin [ICOKE] and Disney Coin [IDISNEY] will enter a new phase.  

MICKEY: Minnie!!! what is it with you and Coke?!!!  

MICKEY: OMG Minnie, Have you been working for Coke all these years while in Disney?  

MINNIE: .......!!!

MICKEY: Wow.....! Wait, did Walt knew about it?

MINNIE: You are so naive Mickey.

MICKEY:What else have you done Minnie?!.

MINNIE: Well, I don't only bake and party!

MICKEY: I don't know who you are anymore Minnie...

MINNIE: I might just be Alice, Bob.

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
May 10, 2021, 04:03:39 AM

MICKEY: Minnie!!!! WTF!  These are COCA-COLA colors! We need to promote Disney coin. I told you to dress up in blue

MINNIE: But these are MY colors. This is how Walt made me.

MICKEY: Obviously you dont understand anything, Coca-Cola will sue us, they used "your" colors first.

MINNIE: So are you going to sue Twitter for using your colors?!

Twitter Coin

full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
May 10, 2021, 03:55:55 AM

Twitter Coin

Account Appropriation Act (using Satoshi's own words)

*ITWITTER is an art NFT created to be implemented as a social art piece.

An appropriation of a social network account via tokenization would allow online entities to transfer an existing online social presence onto a decentralized monetary network in order to benefit directly one party from the other without going through a centralized incorporated entity. An online individual’s profile account in a leading social network provides part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if that third party which aggregates the value created by its users to increase company value without direct financial benefits to users, would be also required to move value around between users.(as would be the case of the intended Facebook’s Libra coin) . We propose a solution to the centralized nature of existing social network’s problems using an appropriation scheme to enable direct transfer of social value into monetary value . A coin linking one’s social network account to a monetary-value-exchange network (a wallet app) that would also run as a DAO on some blockchain, would be the ultimate solution. However enabling the transformation required an appropriation type of action to be taken by each of the individual’s participating in such an existing centralized social network (Twitter). The purpose of the Twitter Coin [ITWITTER) is to demonstrate that scheme executed as a social art piece initiated by myself @NILIcoins as the artist, and activated by a community of Twitter’s account holders who would invest in buying the coins and building the prototype for this future network.

Social interaction on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on Social networks serving as trusted third parties to process (publish) social interaction. While the system works well enough for most transactions (tweets) it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. Completely non-reversible (censored) transactions (tweet or post) are not really possible, since Social networks owners cannot avoid mediating disputes (can be charged by law). The social cost of such intervention increases the loss of trust in the system and the social costs for all participants., And there is a broader cost in the loss of ability to trust the officiancy given by the centralized corporate structure. These uncertainties could have been avoided using regulators appointed by users in a fully democratized network of votings but no such mechanism is in existence since required a fully integrated decentralized digital identity scheme. In this paper, we propose a solution to the problem of a centralized management of social networks using the appropriation methods of claiming one’s own created value. The system is secure as long as honesty and social values are the merits translated into monetary value such that each individual’s positive action increases the collective value of the network as a whole.

2. Appropriation Art Transaction
We define the [ITWITTER] appropriation token as a chain of digital signatures starting at the minting of the first series issued as colored coin NFT by NILIcoin on Counterparty, utilizing the 2.0 protocol NFT innovations developed by Mastercoin (Omni) as open source code. Each Twitter account owner who holds an ITWITTET coin is entitled for a sub-asset NFT minted from the original ITWITTER issue address linking his @username to the original issued tokens. Though ITWITTER tokens do not have a serial number it is the purchase transaction’s timestamp that marks each token with its number by the order of purchasing. The sub-asset is minted after the purchase transaction is completed and is marked by the same number as the ITWITTER token purchase transaction. The order of action and transaction are as follow:
10K ITWITTER series NFT art tokens have been issued on Counterparty 9/28/2014 address #1 by NILIcoin which own the issuing address
10k ITWITTER tokens sent to address #2 controlled by the original issuing wallet.
Each whole unit of ITWITTER token gets its serial number defined by the timestamp of the purchase transaction.
A token owner holds the right for an issued sub-asset NFT of their @username from the ITWITTER original issuing address .
The order by which ITIWITTER tokens are purchased determine the serial number a sub-asset once minted

3. Timestamp Value
The solution we propose to the ITWITTER series NFT rare (unique) face (identity) value (life). begins with a timestamp . A timestamp works by taking a hash of each item’s issue transaction to be time stamped and published as the hash of the sent/receive transaction such as with Bitcoin’s coins. The timestamp proves the order of transactions and that the data must have existed at the time, obviously, in order to get into the hash. Each token transaction’s timestamp includes the previous timestamp in its hash, forming a serial number as a chain, with each additional timestamp reinforcing the order of each of the token’s original purchase transaction. It is thus the original purchase order executed that marks the token’s serial number and gives it it’s unique NFT identity and value.

4. Proof-of-@username
To implement a full appropriation activation of one’s own social network account username and tweets as assets on a peer-to-peer basis, we will need to use an existing blockchain, similar to Satoshi’s bitcoin data structure scheme, rather than the centrally controlled database. For our timestamp network, we implement the proof-of-@username by making some key data public, such that can be displayed and prove the user’s control over his/her account.. Once the proof effort has been expended to make it satisfy the proof-of-@username, the @username and serial number cannot be changed. As later @names are chained after it, the work to change or falsify the initial @username and serial number would include redoing all the blocks after it. The proof-of-@username also solves the problem of voting in decision making. If the majority were based on one-IP-address-one-vote, it could be subverted by anyone able to allocate many IPs. Proof-of-@username is essentially one-@username-one-vote. The majority decision is represented by the longest chain, which has the longest proof-of-@username invested in it. If a majority of @username voting power is controlled by attested users, the honest chain will grow its value the fastest and outpace any competing chains.

5. A Network Of Self-appropriated Social-assets.
The steps to form a decentralized network of existing assets must be initiated by users, each appropriating their own individual verified account on any of the social networks using the Golden Tweet model as self-appropriation act.
The Golden Tweet (or post) appropriation act is as follow:
Create or use a wallet on any blockchain .
Generate a new address.
Compose & Publish your Golden Tweet : — -@username — -public-key
Mint your Golden Tweet NFT
Send the minted NFT to yourself to the tweeted (published) public-key
Once appropriated, an account holder can claim all their activity as their assets and trade it using the wallet address to prove ownership and to receive payments. However the main benefit of the self appropriation act is to allow users to aggregate all their social activity on different networks, as reputation under a single address which they have the sole access and control over. This appropriation act carried out by many individuals on different social networks will form a new decentralized social network connecting all separated centralized social networks into one powerful decentralized meta network of blockchains.

6. A Guide to Own An Exclusive NILIcoins (2014) ITWITTER Based Sub-asset, Of your Appropriated Verified Own Twitter account
Create or use a Counterparty compatible wallet to generate a public-key
Compose & Publish your Golden Tweet: —@username —public-key , on your account.
Quote or reply to your Golden Tweet addressing @Itweetmenow.
Purchase ITWITTER using the public-key as the receive address.
Your Golden Tweet and the purchase transaction will be published by @Itweetmenow.
NILIcoins will mint your own Golden Tweet as a Sub-asset: ITWITTER.subasset# —@username —public-key

7. Conclusion
We have proposed the ability to tie one’s social asset created on a centralized social network to their real life entity using a decentralized payment enabled protocol, as the first step toward full appropriation of one’s own power of creation. While a decentralized act of appropriation deploys different decentralized networks of blockchains to store key data as the default solution to the ever growing power of social based corporate power, it also creates a meta decentralized network of identities which is directly governed by user’s power claimed back by choice.
full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
May 10, 2021, 03:50:10 AM

Twitter Coin

Account Appropriation Act (using Satoshi's own words)

*ITWITTER is an art NFT created to be implemented as a social art piece.

An appropriation of a social network account via tokenization would allow online entities to transfer an existing online social presence onto a decentralized monetary network in order to benefit directly one party from the other without going through a centralized incorporated entity. An online individual’s profile account in a leading social network provides part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if that third party which aggregates the value created by its users to increase company value without direct financial benefits to users, would be also required to move value around between users.(as would be the case of the intended Facebook’s Libra coin) . We propose a solution to the centralized nature of existing social network’s problems using an appropriation scheme to enable direct transfer of social value into monetary value . A coin linking one’s social network account to a monetary-value-exchange network (a wallet app) that would also run as a DAO on some blockchain, would be the ultimate solution. However enabling the transformation required an appropriation type of action to be taken by each of the individual’s participating in such an existing centralized social network (Twitter). The purpose of the Twitter Coin [ITWITTER) is to demonstrate that scheme executed as a social art piece initiated by myself @NILIcoins as the artist, and activated by a community of Twitter’s account holders who would invest in buying the coins and building the prototype for this future network.

Social interaction on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on Social networks serving as trusted third parties to process (publish) social interaction. While the system works well enough for most transactions (tweets) it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. Completely non-reversible (censored) transactions (tweet or post) are not really possible, since Social networks owners cannot avoid mediating disputes (can be charged by law). The social cost of such intervention increases the loss of trust in the system and the social costs for all participants., And there is a broader cost in the loss of ability to trust the officiancy given by the centralized corporate structure. These uncertainties could have been avoided using regulators appointed by users in a fully democratized network of votings but no such mechanism is in existence since required a fully integrated decentralized digital identity scheme. In this paper, we propose a solution to the problem of a centralized management of social networks using the appropriation methods of claiming one’s own created value. The system is secure as long as honesty and social values are the merits translated into monetary value such that each individual’s positive action increases the collective value of the network as a whole.
full member
Activity: 481
Merit: 105
May 10, 2021, 03:48:07 AM

Twitter Coin

Account Appropriation Act (using Satoshi's own words)

*ITWITTER is an art NFT created to be implemented as a social art piece.

An appropriation of a social network account via tokenization would allow online entities to transfer an existing online social presence onto a decentralized monetary network in order to benefit directly one party from the other without going through a centralized incorporated entity. An online individual’s profile account in a leading social network provides part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if that third party which aggregates the value created by its users to increase company value without direct financial benefits to users, would be also required to move value around between users.(as would be the case of the intended Facebook’s Libra coin) . We propose a solution to the centralized nature of existing social network’s problems using an appropriation scheme to enable direct transfer of social value into monetary value . A coin linking one’s social network account to a monetary-value-exchange network (a wallet app) that would also run as a DAO on some blockchain, would be the ultimate solution. However enabling the transformation required an appropriation type of action to be taken by each of the individual’s participating in such an existing centralized social network (Twitter). The purpose of the Twitter Coin [ITWITTER) is to demonstrate that scheme executed as a social art piece initiated by myself @NILIcoins as the artist, and activated by a community of Twitter’s account holders who would invest in buying the coins and building the prototype for this future network.

hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
October 30, 2014, 04:16:29 AM

Google is at my service right now. and It's a free ride, Actually you guys here on the thread are doing the work, shouldn't you get payed for it too? Well, buying my coins is like investing it the things you click on.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
October 18, 2014, 03:58:49 AM

MICKEY: Minnie!!!! WTF!  These are COCA-COLA colors! We need to promote Disney coin. I told you to dress up in blue

MINNIE: But these are MY colors. This is how Walt made me.

MICKEY: Obviously you dont understand anything, Coca-Cola will sue us, they used "your" colors first.

MINNIE: So are you going to sue Twitter for using your colors?!

Twitter Coin

Activity: 938
Merit: 1001
October 13, 2014, 11:45:38 AM
One friend send me the link .... I can say only this --------------> OMFG !!!!!!

full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
October 13, 2014, 11:34:15 AM
The idea that you focused on promoting what your art may be worth one day is the main reason why you have already failed.
There is a line of working as an artist for a living and just trying to cash in.

Your future coins will only get you sued into nothingness.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
October 09, 2014, 12:38:09 PM
Why don't you post samples of your artwork?

maybe because it's 100% scam?

Or he is searching on google now..

hey,  look what I did found on google.... my own work that I thought was gone for ever since I have deleted my art from twitter as part of my art concept. So the twitter account is gone but not all my work.

some of the photos  are part of an appropriation art ( which most of you here have to google to find out that it is an art form) project. my Coca-Cola coin and other brand coins projects falls under this category of art
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
October 09, 2014, 03:00:15 AM
up coming coins on NILIcoins

Trade  Coin
IEBAY A Trade Token-Coin*
* The Trade Token-coin model is my intellectual property

The Trade Token-Coin mechanism allows the network to capitalize on
the volume of trade it is creating, by directing the exchange
trade volume to a public exchange platform, which sells
and buy the Trade Token-coin on behalf of all users.

Method of Payments and Exchanges

A buyer is charged by the system in the value of his purchased item.

 Trade Coins are being bought by the system in the trade market upon any currency payment.

 The merchant is being credited for the item by the system with the acquired Trade Coins.

Upon request (can be set automatically) the system then sell the Trade Coins on behalf
of the merchant and buy the currency of the merchant"s choice, then credit the merchant with that currency


The credit card's fee is observed by the system which is buying the Trade Coins on behalf of the shopper

This fee value requirement is then transferred to the merchant as the system’s fee,
which have to be payed to the system in Trade Coins. .

Goods traded in the network, using the Trade Coin directly are charged much lower fee

 No exchange fees are required to be paid by users

Trade Coin [IEBAY] is issued on Counterwallet.
 100,000 coins have been issued.

more detail are coming soon

hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 29, 2014, 06:35:27 AM
Your other thread makes this one even less credible. Are you that pressed for cash?
My other thread That of the Coca-Cola coin [ICOKE] actually reinforce everything that I say here by creating the real assets of the coin just like I have described here.
And this one is a projection of the future, at the moment I have to develope further that Art-Coins t
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 27, 2014, 07:48:21 AM
This is the link to My Coca-Coin that is in the making [PRE-ANN] [ICOKE] Coca-Cola Coin
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
September 26, 2014, 04:12:34 AM
Your other thread makes this one even less credible. Are you that pressed for cash?
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 26, 2014, 03:52:53 AM

and that's why an artist can self evaluate their collection at an arbitary million dollars.


perhaps you could digitise all your art, destroy the phsyical copies, and enter them all into the blockchain .. selling each peice as a seperate coin.

There is  the medium in which the art was made. You can not get the full understanding of an oil painting on a digitized image. The Image itself is only a part of the art work. But I have done something similar on TWITTER where I have done art using the platform as the art form.

To illustrate the conceptual end of my work I will introduce you the my work on Twitter. In 2009 I had a twitter account under the name @whatar. back then the question was "what are you doing" and my first profile picture was the first five letters of that question.
For 6 months I have tweeted a few thousand art tweets, making twitter into an art platform. At first very few people got it' but as time past it evolve into a very interesting real time interactive art form #twitterart was one outcome of the graphic ideas but there where many more interesting concepts that sprouted from the medium itself.
@whatar was deleted .
 Deleting it was part of the art concept. There are only a  few places some of the work can be seen like some twitpics in this link. for example this is "the golden tweet" which is a printed copy of the first graphic tweet. It is a printout that was treated with gold paint and became one of a few real objects which are left from the virtual project .
Another sample is this  . which is a pic a tweet stating that "this tweet is an art piece" retweeted to make it real  then printed to take to a gallery in NYC.
And this work which is a tweet  using the word art which was than  RT by Robin which made it sound like a bird tweet and made the work.
And here is a picture of my art in a show in brooklyn twitted on the day of the event. there you can see one of my painting A portrait of Picasso

Activity: 1204
Merit: 1000
to your stations, man the pineapples!!!
September 26, 2014, 03:33:24 AM

and that's why an artist can self evaluate their collection at an arbitary million dollars.


perhaps you could digitise all your art, destroy the phsyical copies, and enter them all into the blockchain .. selling each peice as a seperate coin.

hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 24, 2014, 05:33:26 AM
But I think no any relation between art and virtual assets, unless you urgently need the money.

I think so too ... Shocked

In did I was contemplating much the use of my art for the project. In the past year I tried to work directly with cryptcurrency presenting some of my ideas as platform to develop. But even in this community I had difficulties getting through with my views. Like how value is created and what can give real substance to a coin. When I try to explain people that they will be able to claim back their power by making the choice which coins to except as a reword on their work, they have a very hard time understanding. I realized that the best strategy would be to make my coin and follow with it all the stages of putting value into it. Also my plan is to make a model of all these platform, like the lending pool using the coins which I will create.   
sr. member
Activity: 365
Merit: 250
September 23, 2014, 08:42:03 AM
But I think no any relation between art and virtual assets, unless you urgently need the money.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 23, 2014, 08:21:41 AM
This is where Im heading. There will be a few very interesting stops on the way.  Wink

Interest Free Credit Coins

Interest Free Credit Coins is a platform for crypto-currencies to replace interest-based fiat credit with interest-free crypto-coins loans

IFCC is being develop on the premise of a free independent-currencies market in which currency suppliers and credit providers will have to cater to a decentralized competitive free market of currencies.

The coins mechanism of distribution as loans through the IFCC platform is such that it can guarantee value for lenders based on future demand for the coins. Since value is a product of demand, and fluctuation in demand are a product of projected figures and speculation on future figures, the IFCC system is designed in such way that there is always a predetermined figure for the lowest possible demand of coin supply and Thus a floor for the coins value relative to the entire market.

IFCC vision is to map out and take the steps required to move the economy from “debts based” economy to  “added value” economy.
The philosophy behind the “added-value” economy is such that value is “loaded” into  anything including financial instrument such as currency, based on users demand, thus the users are the ones that should benefit from the value acquired by the power of their trust. The IFCC platform is designed to reword borrowers on the increased value of the borrowed coins
The IFCC network long term vision is to use the network power to offer and replace fiat-based debts with the IFCC network coins that are loaned interest free,
The IFCC coin will be the platform's token.
 Lenders participating in the platform's lending pool will be reworded with tokens.
 1 IFCC coin For any number of coins lend through the pool in the value of 1 mili-bitcoin on the day of lending.

more details are coming soon!!!!

Activity: 952
Merit: 1002
September 23, 2014, 01:09:20 AM
I like art and collect it sometimes.  If I can obtain some of your art mining your coin I will consider it.  Is that the basic idea here?

Well now, might I suggest you consider a few of these?

Stunning detail in this one.

Sorry, but you'll have to print and frame them yourself.  Personally I consider the art to be more important than the artist, but I can tell you that my work hangs in the provincial gallery of Manitoba.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 21, 2014, 08:37:24 AM
Reading your OP had me skeptical, but reading through your replies convinced me that you believe in what you're doing.

Because of the subjectivity component of art valuation, I may buy some $NILI during your initial offering, but more likely I'll purchase some on the open market.

I'm more interested in the shit-disturbance that a Coca-Cola "art piece" coin will cause. Nobody cares if you make art that derogates Coca-Cola and then sell that art piece... but if you create an art work which is a cryptocoin whose fundamental value component is its unauthorized use of the Coca-Cola brand, the owner of that brand will want a (very large, maybe 100%) piece of it. I guarantee that if one megalomanic douchebag like Kanye West can send lawyers after $COYE (COINYE), Coca-Cola will bring their lawyers knocking on your door. Thus far, it seems you have probably thought this through and have decided you're OK with risking legal retribution.

If however you haven't considered the fact that you're putting your personal peace of mind and finances on the line, and potentially setting yourself up as a martyr for your art, please do so, as financial might makes legal right in the USA, and companies like Coca-Cola pre-hire an army of lawyers to protect their brand from unauthorized use like you would be doing.

I and other investors will be hard for Coca-Cola's lawyers to track through the blockchain; you will be a much easier target for them.

I love this question! thank you for bringing it up.
" but if you create an art work which is a cryptocoin whose fundamental value component is its unauthorized use of the Coca-Cola brand, the owner of that brand will want a (very large, maybe 100%) piece of it"

As a visual artist I can quote the Coca-Cola brand image just like any pop artist before me.  As a conceptual artist  I can have the artistic freedom to use that brand's name in order to create the coin concept. If they had already created a cryptocoin  branded to the Coca-Cola company they could try to  say that I commit an act of counter-fitting, but there in no law regarding cryptocurrency  and their legal use as a company coin. Actually I would be delighted  when they will try to make a legal move against me. It will bring much awareness to  NILIcoins grand vision of creating a competitive market for coins and credit providers . It will also make my Coca-Cola coin limited addition a real collectors item and will benefit my investors instantly.

"If however you haven't considered the fact that you're putting your personal peace of mind and finances on the line, and potentially setting yourself up as a martyr for your art, please do so, as financial might makes legal right in the USA, and companies like Coca-Cola pre-hire an army of lawyers to protect their brand from unauthorized use like you would be doing."

All that I own is my art. and I always had my good hand and my good brains to provide for my needs. I can face off an army of lawyers with a smile. Im sure we will all have much fun with it. 

Activity: 1518
Merit: 1042
September 21, 2014, 06:26:54 AM
Reading your OP had me skeptical, but reading through your replies convinced me that you believe in what you're doing.

Because of the subjectivity component of art valuation, I may buy some $NILI during your initial offering, but more likely I'll purchase some on the open market.

I'm more interested in the shit-disturbance that a Coca-Cola "art piece" coin will cause. Nobody cares if you make art that derogates Coca-Cola and then sell that art piece... but if you create an art work which is a cryptocoin whose fundamental value component is its unauthorized use of the Coca-Cola brand, the owner of that brand will want a (very large, maybe 100%) piece of it. I guarantee that if one megalomanic douchebag like Kanye West can send lawyers after $COYE (COINYE), Coca-Cola will bring their lawyers knocking on your door. Thus far, it seems you have probably thought this through and have decided you're OK with risking legal retribution.

If however you haven't considered the fact that you're putting your personal peace of mind and finances on the line, and potentially setting yourself up as a martyr for your art, please do so, as financial might makes legal right in the USA, and companies like Coca-Cola pre-hire an army of lawyers to protect their brand from unauthorized use like you would be doing.

I and other investors will be hard for Coca-Cola's lawyers to track through the blockchain; you will be a much easier target for them.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 21, 2014, 06:00:03 AM
So the fact is that you,as an artist, are short of money. You wanna find some in the crypto world?

Actually as an artist I am making money in the movie industry  working as a scenic artist. (and Im good at it)  Also,  I could do better in the crypto world trading with other's coins. But after spending the last three years mostly fighting wall street power to make the world a better place, I figured out the best strategies by using my art to illustrate it.  I do believe that an interdependent cryptocurrencies economy will create a competitive credit market which will give back the power to  the 99%.
In did as I stated, I  hope to make some money from NILI coin's sell, but as I said, this money I raise in order to fund the development of a rode map for this project's grand vision:

 The grand vision of NILIcoins is to supply industries and communities with tools to capitalize directly on their commercial  power, and then utilize coin independence and versatility to initiate the construction of a competitive credit industry.
The first step is to provide customized and ready to use coin packages which are fitted with all necessary components to facilitate a seamless multi-coin clearance. Then to see through the creation of  a platform on which these coins can be lend as credit to the public. The NILIcoins project itself was conceived as a result of the need to illustrate this concept in real terms as well as to fund  the creation of a road map for the funding and development of these platforms.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 21, 2014, 05:03:33 AM
Why don't you post samples of your artwork?

maybe because it's 100% scam?

Or he is searching on google now..

Why don't you post samples of your artwork?

maybe because it's 100% scam?

Or he is searching on google now..


I like to address the issue of trust here. from a few angles:
 REPUTATION: Before deciding to invest in NILI coin you need to find out what is the art which this coin  buy.
                      You also need to know that the art is in my possession and that Im real and honest person.
                      For this I will supply a few references  of shows in which I have participated and of people who know me and got my art.
                      I will also direct you to public information about myself as a person. and some people in the crypto community who know me in person.

MOTIVATION: When you consider the option of a scam or quick profit, you need to consider the bigger picture. As an artist I spent much of my work efforts and talent in doing my art which was               
                      more  important for me than making money. By offering the public a share in my art I give my art a better chance to be seen and be interesting to that public. After all as an artist my         
                      main goal is to expose my art to people and make them interested in it. Of cures I would love to make a living doing my art but not as a crook, my integrity is even more important for me
                      then my art.
                      In the long  run,creating the coin as scam, will defeat all my goals both as an artist and as an activist who spent a lot of time trying to make the world a better place.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 20, 2014, 02:07:28 AM
I like art and collect it sometimes.  If I can obtain some of your art mining your coin I will consider it.  Is that the basic idea here?

NILI coin will be issued on Counterwallet  as a digital coin This means that you don't mine it. instead you will obtain it on the market using your Counterwallet. Then  If you wish to buy my art you will use these coins to pay for it. The only way to buy my art will be by using the NILI coin . The coins give an opportunity for people who wish to invest in art to do so without actually buying it but rather have a a share in it.

ah i see. so you don't actually get the art. you just get a "share" of it.  very interesting

Yes you get a share of it in a the form of a coin. and you can also obtain an art piece if you wish to do so using your coins. nevertheless,  Since the coin holders community are the owner of this art collection any work that is done to promote the art like shows in galleries and museums will benefit the entire community. also as a coin owner you will be getting dividends  on future art projects and future coin projects.
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1007
September 19, 2014, 10:32:27 AM
I like art and collect it sometimes.  If I can obtain some of your art mining your coin I will consider it.  Is that the basic idea here?

NILI coin will be issued on Counterwallet  as a digital coin This means that you don't mine it. instead you will obtain it on the market using your Counterwallet. Then  If you wish to buy my art you will use these coins to pay for it. The only way to buy my art will be by using the NILI coin . The coins give an opportunity for people who wish to invest in art to do so without actually buying it but rather have a a share in it.

ah i see. so you don't actually get the art. you just get a "share" of it.  very interesting
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 19, 2014, 10:25:37 AM
I like art and collect it sometimes.  If I can obtain some of your art mining your coin I will consider it.  Is that the basic idea here?

NILI coin will be issued on Counterwallet  as a digital coin This means that you don't mine it. instead you will obtain it on the market using your Counterwallet. Then  If you wish to buy my art you will use these coins to pay for it. The only way to buy my art will be by using the NILI coin . The coins give an opportunity for people who wish to invest in art to do so without actually buying it but rather have a a share in it.
Activity: 1131
Merit: 1007
September 19, 2014, 09:06:10 AM
I like art and collect it sometimes.  If I can obtain some of your art mining your coin I will consider it.  Is that the basic idea here?
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 19, 2014, 06:09:49 AM
So the fact is that you,as an artist, are short of money. You wanna find some in the crypto world?
As an artist I want to capitalize directly on my talent and work. I want you and other investor to benefit from my need to bring in "a medium of exchange" so that I can pay my rent. If I use the Dollar I give that power to the state and more so to the banks who take advantage of us all.  when I create my coin or use a coin of my choice I claim that power back. The whole point of that project is to illustrate this concept and make it real.
My future coins like TOYOTA coin or COCA-COLA coin are going to be made in a way which illustrate  how  these industries should employ an altcoin.Iit will also be offered for sell  as art  I will explain it in details when we get there. Coca-Cola coin will be first to come out after the NILI coin issue event  which will take place in the end of October.   
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 19, 2014, 04:41:37 AM

My art collection worth 1,000,000 Dollars

who valued your collection in a million?

You bring up a very good point. There are two factors to determine the value of original art work, but both are a loos estimate.
There is the market price  and there is the lowest price in which the artist is whiling to sell his/her art.  Since each work is one of a kind and the value of it for the artist or the potential buyer is not linked directly to how much work went into creating  that piece, I estimate the value as the lowest price that the artist is whiling to sell that art for.

As I explained  above, I was not interested in selling my art pieces and Im still not really trying to sell it. Nevertheless Im very interested in promoting the idea of an independent currencies, and Im even more eager to put this concept to work.

For example If I was the owner of the collection of Picasso's art and  I would put it on sell only for coins which I issued in a limited number, owning a coin would be like owning that proportional portion of the art collection. Now you dont have to trade with the art itself only with the coins. In actual one  painting on the wall of a museum  can be owned by thousands of people that are not all that rich but want to be invested in this art, and benefit financially from the recognition which that art get.  Museums by the way are a huge money making industry. it is such a scam in terms of making the public pay for it in taxes. Art collectors make huge profits by validating art works value using the museums as the ultimate seal of value. We, the public who value the work should be the ones sharing the profit as "users" just like users of any platform should.]

Being The artist, even if not Picasso yet, I can start implementing that concept, and If I will be successful at spreading that concept my art will be worth much more then 1,000,000 Doallars

NILI LERNER "Piccasso self-portrait" 1990 acrylic on canvas 72"x108"
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 19, 2014, 03:45:50 AM

My art collection worth 1,000,000 Dollars

who valued your collection in a million?

You bring up a very good point. There are two factors to determine the value of original art work, but both are a loos estimate.
There is the market price  and there is the lowest price in which the artist is whiling to sell his/her art.  Since each work is one of a kind and the value of it for the artist or the potential buyer is not linked directly to how much work went into creating  that piece, I estimate the value as the lowest price that the artist is whiling to sell that art for.

As I explained  above, I was not interested in selling my art pieces and Im still not really trying to sell it. Nevertheless Im very interested in promoting the idea of an independent currencies, and Im even more eager to put this concept to work.

For example If I was the owner of the collection of Picasso's art and  I would put it on sell only for coins which I issued in a limited number, owning a coin would be like owning that proportional portion of the art collection. Now you dont have to trade with the art itself only with the coins. In actual one  painting on the wall of a museum  can be owned by thousands of people that are not all that rich but want to be invested in this art, and benefit financially from the recognition which that art get.  Museums by the way are a huge money making industry. it is such a scam in terms of making the public pay for it in taxes. Art collectors make huge profits by validating art works value using the museums as the ultimate seal of value. We, the public who value the work should be the ones sharing the profit as "users" just like users of any platform should.

Being The artist, even if not Picasso yet, I can start implementing that concept, and If I will be successful at spreading that concept my art will be worth much more then 1,000,000 Doallars
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
September 17, 2014, 07:21:45 AM

My art collection worth 1,000,000 Dollars

who valued your collection in a million?
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 17, 2014, 07:08:37 AM
More details.

In the end of October I will have an event In which NILI coins will be issue live on the counterwallet. The event  will also  be a show of my art work and I will explain about my art and how this project of NILIcoins is in itself part of my conceptual work. This event will take place in the Bitcoin embassy in Tel-Aviv.

Prior to this on October 6th on a panel for entrepreneurs  I will introduce the  model of an independent Multi- currency economy and how the NILIcoins projects play into it.

In November in NYC,  I will have a show event in which I will issue  Coca-cola coin and Toyota coin. These coins will be issued as collectors Item in a limited addition  Both coins will be on sell for NILI coin. which means that buyers will have to get the NILI coin  in order to buy these new coins.

(I lived and work in NYC for 15 years and now I share my time between Tel-Aviv and NYC).
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
September 17, 2014, 05:58:27 AM
So the fact is that you,as an artist, are short of money. You wanna find some in the crypto world?
hero member
Activity: 900
Merit: 500
September 17, 2014, 05:51:22 AM
More details.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 17, 2014, 04:57:13 AM
here... take my BTC  i dont need them anymore

This is possibly the best comment I've seen on BCT in a long time.
You are my new BCT hero.

if I take your BTC would you take my NILI's?
This may sound like a cool or fun answer but it actually represent the essence of it all:  You have something to give me which for me has value, and  I have something to offer you in return. something that for you is valuable.
When I give you my NILI coin I give you a part in my art, you can now put my painting on your wall or you can just become a part of a community that is interested in my art, follow the development of this art and profit from it if it takes off. You even become part of the art it self. (In fact, by responding to this announcement you already became a part of this piece).  And with your BTC I may fly to the moon one day   
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
September 16, 2014, 10:09:51 PM
here... take my BTC  i dont need them anymore

This is possibly the best comment I've seen on BCT in a long time.
You are my new BCT hero.
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 16, 2014, 08:56:43 AM
Why don't you post samples of your artwork?

maybe because it's 100% scam?

Or he is searching on google now..

I don't think its a scam as Nili actually a public figure in the Israeli cryptocurrency scene, and she is an artist
But I would wait for NXT to issue "monetary system"... its very similar idea to what Nili is trying to do here but simpler

The artworks which will carry the value of the NILI coin are real objects, paintings and works on paper. Most of these works (over 200 pieces)) are documented  only on slides since in the past 15 years  I was not interested in selling my art . This project on NILI coin is the first rime that I put my work in the market since then. In the coming weeks I will scan them and archive them to display on a website. Each piece will be labeled with all relevant information.
Most of my work these days is conceptual, but even as such I do produce work that is tangible or a virtual property.  The NILIcoins series is such  property, and in that respect I found the artistic value of it intriguing. 

To illustrate the conceptual end of my work I will introduce you the my work on Twitter. In 2009 I had a twitter account under the name @whatar. back then the question was "what are you doing" and my first profile picture was the first five letters of that question.
For 6 months I have tweeted a few thousand art tweets, making twitter into an art platform. At first very few people got it' but as time past it evolve into a very interesting real time interactive art form #twitterart was one outcome of the graphic ideas but there where many more interesting concepts that sprouted from the medium itself.
@whatar was deleted .
 Deleting it was part of the art concept. There are only a  few places some of the work can be seen like some twitpics in this link. for example this is "the golden tweet" which is a printed copy of the first graphic tweet. It is a printout that was treated with gold paint and became one of a few real objects which are left from the virtual project .
Another sample is this  . which is a pic a tweet stating that "this tweet is an art piece" retweeted to make it real  then printed to take to a gallery in NYC.
And this work which is a tweet  using the word art which was than  RT by Robin which made it sound like a bird tweet and made the work.
And here is a picture of my art in a show in brooklyn twitted on the day of the event. there you can see one of my painting A portrait of Picasso
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 15, 2014, 02:35:36 PM
Let me tell you a bit about this project and about myself as an artist:

The artwork which will carry the value of the NILI coin are real objects, paintings and works on paper. Most of these works (over 200 pieces)) are documented on slides only since in the past 15 years  I was not interested in selling my art . This project on NILI coin is the first rime I put my work in the market since then. In the coming weeks I will scan them and archive them to display on a website. Each piece will be labeled with all relevant information.

I realize that most of you here are interested in value and investing your money in a money maker. The thing you should keep in mind  is that art is one of the best venue for investment. And put together with the new and upcoming Altcoin  finance industry, that might get  you a wining ticket.

However to feel god about this investment you may need to invest some time in learning my work. Most of it these days is conceptual, but even as such I do produce work that is tangible or a virtual property.  The NILIcoins series is such  property, and in that respect I found the artistic value of it intriguing with a potential of gaining a real artistic value of itself.  

To illustrate the conceptual end of my work I will introduce you the my work on Twitter. In 2009 I had a twitter account under the name @whatar. back then the question was "what are you doing" and my first profile picture was the first five letters of that question.
For 6 months I have tweeted a few thousand art tweets, making twitter into an art platform. At first very few people got it' but as time past it evolve into a very interesting real time interactive art form #twitterart was one outcome of the graphic ideas but there where many more interesting concepts that sprouted from the medium itself.
@whatar was deleted .
 Deleting it was part of the art concept. There are only a  few places some of the work can be seen like some twitpics in this link. for example this is "the golden tweet" which is a printed copy of the first graphic tweet. It is a printout that was treated with gold paint and became one of a few real objects which are left from the virtual project .
Another sample is this  . which is a pic a tweet stating that "this tweet is an art piece" retweeted to make it real  then printed to take to a gallery in NYC.
And this work which is a tweet  using the word art which was than  RT by Robin which made it sound like a bird tweet and made the work.
And here is a picture of my art in a show in brooklyn twitted on the day of the event. there you can see one of my painting A portrait of Picasso  
sr. member
Activity: 246
Merit: 250
September 15, 2014, 07:11:24 AM
Why don't you post samples of your artwork?

maybe because it's 100% scam?

Or he is searching on google now..

I don't think its a scam as Nili actually a public figure in the Israeli cryptocurrency scene, and she is an artist
But I would wait for NXT to issue "monetary system"... its very similar idea to what Nili is trying to do here but simpler
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
September 15, 2014, 07:06:46 AM
Why don't you post samples of your artwork?

maybe because it's 100% scam?

Or he is searching on google now..
sr. member
Activity: 246
Merit: 250
September 15, 2014, 07:01:09 AM
Why don't you post samples of your artwork?
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
September 15, 2014, 06:01:30 AM
here... take my BTC  i dont need them anymore
full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
here for a while
September 15, 2014, 05:37:47 AM
Why newbie acount? Where we can see your artwork?
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 15, 2014, 05:05:46 AM
The coins are being describe as artworks, and as such no property issues are applied. When I will issue the Coca-cola coins or the Toyota coins I will make use of their logo and the coin will have all the features which a real Coca-cola coin or a real Toyota coin should have one day,only it will be marked with the NILIcoins trademark to mark it a an art piece. Nevertheless this coin will carry its own value based on it being an art piece
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
September 14, 2014, 09:46:15 AM
Won't the proposed coins have copyright infringement issues?
hero member
Activity: 638
Merit: 530
September 14, 2014, 09:45:46 AM

NILI Coin [NILI] .  Coca-Cola Coin [ICOKE],  Disney Coin [IDISNEY],
 Toyota Coin [ITOYOTA], ebay, Coin [IEBAY],, Twitter Coin [ITWITTER],
 Apple Coin [IAPPLE], Beatles Coin [IBEATLES], USA Coin [IUSA]

The Coins will be issued in a limited addition on the Bitcoin 2.0 protocol .
Coins are created as art and can gain collector's value after initial distribution

NILIcoins are created to promote a competitive credit-provides ecosystem. A decentralized monetary system based on cryptocurrency which will employ production power, trade volume and social networks to create an independent coin market. A market which will then have the power to offer a viable and sustainable alternative for the monopoly of bank credit.

The first step is to provide industries and communities  the proper coin model to capitalize directly on their commercial power, then utilize coin independence and versatility to initiate the construction of a competitive credit industry.

The NILIcoins project itself was conceived as a result of the need to illustrate this concept in real terms.

NILI coin
[NILI] Share-Token

 The coin is backed by the value of my existing art work.
When you buy NILI coin you are buying ownership of my artwork
Owning a coin is owning the proportional piece of the art collection.
Now you dont have to trade with the art itself only with the coins.

NILI LERNER "Looking at a peacock" 1993 acrylic on canvas, 30"x36"

Colectors  make huge profits by validating art works using the museum's walls as the ultimate seal of value.
We, the public which value the work, should be able to share profit as "users" just like users of any platform
should. In actual, one painting on the wall of a museum could be owned by thousands of people that are not all
that rich, but want to be invested in this art, and benefit financially from the recognition which that art get.
As a person which appreciate art and add to its intrinsic value by this appreciation, buying a coin would be like
investing in a product you took time to promote.



  How The coin draw it’s value and how this value fluctuate

NILI coin is backed by my existing artwork which means that the coin carries the real value of that artwork.
Both,the coin value and the artwork value, are not fixed and will be determined by the  market  mechanism.
However, a lowest margin for the artwork value indexed  to the USD is fixed as well as the coin supply.
Upon the day of issuance the real value of a coin equals The entire art collection value,
divided by the total number of coins issued

100,000 NILI coins have been issued
My art collection worth 1,000,000 Dollars
1 NILI coin = $1,000,000 : 100,000 = $10
1 NILI coin = $10

Upon the day of issuance I commit to:

1. Sell my existing artwork for NILI coins only.
2. The  lowest sell value of my existing artwork collection.
3. The lowest value margin for the NILI coins which I sell directly.
4. a guaranteed return of value to distribution coins, realized in art or future investment
5. Once an art piece from the existing collection is sold, all NILI coins received from the sell will be
    redistributed to all coin holders.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     up coming coins    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ebay Coin
[IEBAY] A trade Token-Coin*
* The Token-coin model is my intellectual property

"....Then I will create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin.... ebay coin.. and other industry coins.
 Each coin will be created as an illustration for the real coins these industry may create one day"

The ebay coin [IEBAY] is issued on Counterwallet.
 100,000 coin have been issued

more detail are coming soon

Apple Coin
[IAPPLE] A Byte Token-Coin*
* The Token-coin model is my intellectual property

"....Then I will create a CocaCola Coin.... and a Disney Coin... Apple coin and other industry coins.
 Each coin will be created as an illustration for the real coins these industry may create one day"

The Apple coin [IAPPLE] is issued on Counterwallet.
 10,000 coins have been issued

more detail are coming soon

Anyway ... all this is my art and once you buy into this project you are invested in my art.


After  the coins will be created and distributed we will move into the next phase.
Using the value power of your coins I will offer you to participate in the first interest free credit pool.
This pool will be the lenders bank to issue new coins as credit to the public in terms that will let the borrower share profit with the lender.
 Borrowers will become the source of future demand and by this will secure the future value of the pool's coins

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