Ticker: VRO
Algorythm: Skein
Type: POW + Masternodes
Block time: 90 sec
Block Reward: 15 VRO (Reducing every year by 15%)
Block maturity: 90 blocks
Total Supply: ~29 million
Premine: 0,3% (87.000 VRO)
Diff Retarget: Dark Gravity Wave 3
Port: 47937
RPC Port: 47938
Masternode reward: 50% increasing to 70%
Masternode collateral: 5000 VRO
Block 1 ------------- 87.000 VRO (Premine)
Block 2-500 --------- 0 VRO (Instamine protection)
Block 501-1000 ----- 15 VRO (Pure POW)
Block 1001-5000 ---- 7.5 VRO POW / 7.5 VRO Masternodes (Masternodes activation)
Block 5001- ....... --- 4.5 VRO POW / 10.5 VRO Masternodes (70% masternode reward)
=======> Website <=======
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01.04.2018 12.00 GMT
Official pool pool.viero.me In progress..
-a skein -o stratum+tcp://hashfaster.com:20010 -u-p c=VRO
-a skein -o stratum+tcp://pool.poolovich.pro:4905 -u YOUR_WALLET -p c=VRO
-a skein -o stratum+tcp://pool.bsod.pw:2206 -u YOURWALLETADDRESS.rigname -p c=VRO
Comming soon