I'm creating a "Bitcoin Amazon", it's inspired on those Tor markets but for legal stuff.
The idea so far:
- A user can sell or buy items or services there, there's no listing fee but selling fees.
- All trades are in Bitcoin, although you can index your listing to EUR, USD, GBP or JPY, in this case the site will adjust the price to Bitcoin accordingly to the MtGox and Google - rate is considered frozen at the time of purchase, no complaints if it trended up or down afterwards, please.
- All sales are escrowed, if the buyer and seller agree to go OOE, the buyer can simply release the escrow at anytime after the purchase, otherwise they can and should go by the regular escrow process.
- Anti-Phishing is mostly the main concern, site's password doesn't allow Bitcoin movements, for that the user will receive a SMS message with an One-Time code.
The whole security system works as follow:
- More than 10 failed attempts to login within the last 3 hours will block your IP out for the next 3 hours. A successful login DOES NOT clean this.
- Mobile Nr. changes will take 2 days to take effect, during this time a warning will be displayed on the top of the site allowing you to cancel the change at anytime.
- Email changes will generate two outgoing messages, one to the new address to verify, other to the old address with a link to revoke the change. Revocation has priority over confirmation.
- Withdraws and escrow releases require an OTC to be sent by SMS, this code will have a cost accordingly to the current fee (sorry, hadn't find a place to send free SMS's) for withdraws but it's free in escrow releases (I take it from the 5% selling fee).
Done so far:
- Basic user registering and account management.
- Listing creation
- Live exchange rates
- Deposit and withdraw functions
To do before open for business:
- Review the design
- Listing pages (currently being done)
- SSL Certificate
- Search functions
- Buying functions
- Feedback system
The url:
http://www.bcommerce.biz (sorry, the .COM belongs to £§@#$# domain sitter :/ and it's still http as I didn't set up the certificate yet. )
Let me know about what changes or features you think it would be nice to implement and categories needed.