Well I thought I'd get more interest in the iPads but guess not, so here's the thing:
I want to know what Electronics are you looking to buy and still willing to pay CLOSE to retail price. What I mean by close is so its within 5%-15% discount of retail. Anything more is something I probably can't do.
Based on the response I'll buy those to sell it to you guys. Then this 'survey' thread will turn into an actual Sale thread, so I hope no one moves it
The items that have the most interest I'll try to buy them, but you have to agree to buy them in that case.
1. I find out if I can get the product at the desired price. IF I do then
2. you guys enter your amounts in escrow (I can't be left hanging with products I bought for you, so escrow begins here)
3. I order and receive the product. I post the pics with my name/date (if I don't post pics then escrow refunds the money)
4. I ship the items, you verify
5. The escrow releases the funds to me.
Escrow would have to be hella trustable, you'd have to pay escrow fees if any. I can recommend Blazedout419, Tomatocage, xetsr as escrow.
If the pooled amount is large, we could split it into multiple people holding the funds, in-case someone gets greedy.
So Post what you want here AND PM me the price you're willing to pay. Also Quantity if you want to buy more than 1.
I'm throwing some ideas down below
My Ideas:
Xbox One
Video Games
TVs (<--- this would have to be drop-shipped from wherever I get a good deal, no way in hell I'm shipping them myself)
REMINDER: Post what you want AND PM me a price in USD you're willing to pay. Also Quantity if you want to buy more than 1.
PS: If anyone's interested 7% off Everything on ToysRus/BabysRus.com. Also 5% Off Everything on Sears.com. 10% off Dick's Sporting Goods. I buy it, you pay me in Bitcoin. Pretty simple. (You have to pay tax though)