
Topic: Precognition anyone? (Read 2204 times)

full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 02, 2014, 11:00:41 AM
Shit happens. And when it does the mind looks for excuses. The last thing it wants to do is to take responsibility for it. It's a sick mind that blames life for everything bad that happens to him, just as it is a sick mind not to be thankful when something good happens.

Man has tried to foretell the future from the moment he became self aware. He saw the cycles of Nature, wrote them down, and being cycles saw that what happened in the past was likely to happen in the future. He looked at Nature's cycles and rhythms and applied it as knowledge - the time to plant, the time to grow, the time to harvest, the time to rest - all by the Moon's cycles. He saw the birds flying south in the winter and knew when winter was approaching. He looked at the rams coming down from the mountains early and knew that there would be a snowy winter. He looked at the caterpillars with wooly coats and knew that winter was going to be very cold. He saw that the swarms of grasshoppers came early one year and knew that winter was coming early. When the roaches come out earlier than usual then summer was coming sooner than later.

"Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning; red sky at night, sailor's delight".

Today we talk of "El Nina" and "El Nino" to forecast weather. We use computers to predict the number of hurricanes and the amount of snow and rain, the length of droughts. In the past it was the astrologer who tried to bring Chaos into Order, now it's the scientist. Now we're trying to predict earthquakes. We use computers to try to predict economic down turns and financial bubbles.

Man has always tried to forecast the future.

Man, being part of Nature, in trying to predict Nature also wants to predict events in his life. Man cannot do whatever he wants, he knows that there must be a price to be paid for every act just as there is an effect for every cause. The problem with the mind is that he cannot know what "the" cause was, so he is left feeling powerless and impotent. Anyone who has experienced an earthquake, a tsunami, a forest fire, being hit by lightning, being part of a tornado knows the feeling. Nature, being so powerful, makes man feel powerless, just as Death makes him realize how impotent he really is. And yet there are people who know that Death is near. How can that be? More importantly, most people do things that they know will shorten their lives. Why? One chooses to be ignorant by choice, in this case. We know the rules and willingly choose to break them. Why? Because then he feels he is an individual, above the ignorant masses, the sheeple.

The plain fact is that most people don't want to know the future. They may say that they do, but they really don't. That would mean that they would have to take responsibility, and if it happens, what they feared, they will then feel powerless, which reinforces the idea of their pitiful life. It's much better to be ignorant, to "Eat, drink, be merry - for tomorrow you die." Everyone wants to be somebody; and as you get older you come to realize that you're really a nobody.

Trying to tell the future may just be a part of the survival instinct, just as fear, some unfounded fear, some unknown triggers the fear reflex. You don't know why, you just now that you do. One doesn't want to know the future because that would mean facing fear.

Some say, "If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." Others get in so far over their heads that they see no way out. A depressed mind is a sick mind. It forgets that if there were happy times in the past, and one is sorrow now, that happiness is bound to return in the future. It's a cycle, after all...

One says that he would like to know the future, but he really doesn't. What others say doesn't really matter because he doesn't really want to know. It's a conscious decision to remain ignorant. It's only when Life kicks him in the balls that he wakes up. And then he blames Life, God, Fate, Destiny, Karma - anything but accept what has happened. Shit happens. And when it shits on you what is one to do?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
August 17, 2014, 06:45:46 AM

Cool! I'm not American, nor is him, but as far as I know the American Army is hellishy utilitarian (who's not?), so at a good price I could send him to the nearest American camp...
Anyway, it's not precognition so it's off topic of this off-topic. He moved a day something he calls psy-wheel. Boring as hell.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
August 16, 2014, 04:21:49 AM
A friend of mine can guess the figure of an hidden card with good assurance. Precognition? Maybe a sort of, maybe not. Maybe it's just plain old confirmation bias.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 02:23:19 PM
i shat in a church once but nothing came of it ?
Nothing came of it YET!

But according to some , if/when something bad happens in the future, you can look back and claim that shart was the predictor of it happening.
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
August 14, 2014, 02:15:02 PM
i shat in a church once but nothing came of it ?
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 02:13:51 PM
Every time I shart, something bad happens.

Last year I sharted in March and in October my dog got hit by a car. The year before that I sharted in late February, and in November my son got hit with a bat and lost a tooth. That year before that I sharted in early April, and in August I got a second-degree burn at the beach.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 02:07:15 PM
I can only re-tell my own experiences. Last November I felt a kick in my stomach. I thought it was for me. Last month my father passed. And yeah, the few times that I was kicked in the back I always got screwed shortly thereafter.
After something had happens you think back and try to remember if you "felt" a kick.

Exactly what's the correlation between a "kick" in November and an event in July? If it wasn't your father in July, would you have attributed the "kick" to a ticket in September?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 02:05:27 PM
I can only re-tell my own experiences. Last November I felt a kick in my stomach. I thought it was for me. Last month my father passed. And yeah, the few times that I was kicked in the back I always got screwed shortly thereafter.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 01:45:20 PM
Hate to break this to you, but there is no quantifiable value in following mysticism. It has always been and will forever be a siren call to the ignorant, offering shortcuts in the form of answers to questions that can't be answered and experience that can't be applied anywhere else in life.
hero member
Activity: 627
Merit: 500
August 14, 2014, 01:09:34 PM
Humans are very repetitive creatures. We do the same things daily. What you described as precognition is really just something you were expecting to happen that did happen because you have experience living life day to day. Work is the same every day. "Oh man, it's going to boring today." Work is getting harder. "Oh man, it's going to be a bad day at work today." Friends are expecting to hang out with you. "I'll have fun today." Friends are too busy. "Life at work is hard and I have no one to socialize with today." It's all how you look at what happens to you daily that you start realizing patterns and piecing it all together. It's not some sixth sense.
I.e. it's patterns that we begin to recognize after 20, 30, 40, 50 years of repetition? Kind of like when people think they have bad luck, and thus they will?
Exactly. It's patterns that you recognize. After a while, you start to guess what will happen. Sometimes you are right and sometimes you are wrong. But when you are right you become surprised. So yes, you get used to repetition in life and start to guess what will happen. 
 what I say is that maybe similar organisations put people to have similar behavior to that you say because that help them in them work 
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 01:09:07 PM
Currently the only support for psychic dreams comes in the form of anecdotal evidence (which is somewhat of an oxymoron). People have vivid dreams of plane crashes and if a plane crash occurs in the next few days - BAM! They're psychic!

This sort of anecdote doesn't really help us. If anything, it casts more doubt over the reliability of so-called psychic dreams, and may even hinder genuine attempts to investigate the nature of any subconscious sixth sense while dreaming.
One peculiarity concerning precognition is that one rarely perceives one's own death; perhaps one explanation is the trauma it too great for the ego to accept.

Dribble that doesn't mean anything...

It is easy to not say what one is thinking.
It is much harder to only think thoughts that one would say.
Only think what you would say.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 01:03:53 PM
... it's been hard to get anyone except my best friend to have an honest discussion about this.
And it's going to be utterly impossible to have any sort of discussion here. Heck, I'm surprised that even the word "coincidence" was not flamed. Anything that deviates in any way from Scientific beliefs will be related to philosophy/supernatural/metaphysics and will be summarily dismissed.

Keep it to yourself. The sharing of such thoughts, ideas or beliefs serves no purpose other than to inflame the Philistines ("a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.)

Materialistic Rationalization is all they know and all they want to know and hear from others.

You want to have an honest discussion here? Here??? Ha!!! Hahahahahahahahaha.
I'd love for esp and/or precognition to be true!Apparently you believe it me some evidence! Convince a person who WANTS to be convinced!
No matter what stories I tell they will be considered anecdotal, so why bother?

But just to please you, although it will obviously be subjected to much derision:

Back in 1963 my mom worked as a seamstress in a factory in the Bronx and while she was busy at work all of a sudden a "feeling" took over her whole being. She jumps up and screams - "My son!" She runs out of the building, she runs to the subway station and boards a train across town, she runs out of the subway station, she runs home, she flings open the door to our apartment on the 18th floor, she runs into my little brother's room just as she sees him falling out the window. She lunges and catches him by his foot 3 feet outside the window and pulls him back inside.

Non of your sorry ass forth coming comments from the O.T. Peanut Gallery will affect me - I know it to be the truth, as does my little brother, whom my mom lovingly reminds him often. The evil minded OTers will accuse my mother of being negligent - "What mom would work and leave her children home alone? She's obviously a bad mother!" The usual tactic of deflecting an argument will be employed...

Would it have made a difference had there been a baby sitter? In many minds it will seem obvious - and yet every week a child drowns in the Phoenix area, many "supervised" by baby sitters, parents and grand parents. Anyone who has a young child knows that as a parent he/she cannot take their attention and concentration off a child for a single moment. And yet the phone rings and babies drown in 2" of water... Remember that the next time your child is in the car and the cell phone rings or you're too busy texting back that last message you received.

I have my own tales I could tell - some of them have been told already, here - but what would be the use? The Old O.T. is dead, one where one could engage in serious dialogue. Now O.T. is just a playground for assholes. Your young ones still run amok, undisciplined, encouraged by the other Internet Bullies on the board. If it concerns religion the older atheists take the younger atheists under their wings. Bah. Pimpled ass teens who think being an asshole means he's cool and erudite. (Yeah, they're going to have to look that word up, I bet.)
Dreams are manifestations of psychological desires and psychological fears.

If you fear that people are plotting against you, you may dream of getting kicked in the back. If you win a million dollars, you may feel so happy that you may dream of partying with celebrities and billionaires. Etc. etc. etc.

Note: I am not religious nor am I superstitious.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 12:50:38 PM
On the surface of it it cannot be proved, at least not until it is too late. There is no way that you will be able to authenticate what I am saying, so you may have to resort to more arcane methods - like going to an astrologer and having him do a Progressive Chart and a Solar Return and looking at where Jupiter is in your chart. If your progressed Jupiter is in the 12th house - your bus ticket has been punched and you're already on the bus. If it is in the Solar Return then there is a chance of death, but chances are that you will have enough warning to scare you, where you may be able to get medical attention in time. Yes, I know, Astrology is hooey, a crock, unproven by Science and seen as a superstition, so why even consider it? (That also is not up for discussion because there is nothing to discuss - it isn't real, it's impossible, it's a lie.)

Being punched in the solar plexus is one way the soul lets you know that you are about to die.

You will dismiss it as not being worthy of further consideration. It doesn't matter - it may take dozens of years before it happens. But if and when it happens, what will you do?, how will you re-act? How does anyone act when confronted with the very real possibility of one's own death?

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 12:42:52 PM

I give you gift, something known by mystics, psychic sensitives and meditators from earliest time, what I consider to be valid proof of precognition, a proof that can only be realised by the actual experiencing of it, something illogical and which can not be proved by Science nor Rationalization:

If you ever dream of being kicked in your back then know that chances are great that someone will screw you over, something that will cause you pain, suffering, consternation and indignation, something that will incense you and make you angry, that will upset you and cause you to curse.

But that may be misconstrued or understtod as mere coincidence...

Know this, if in a dream you feel as if you have been kicked in your stomach, as if you were punched in your solar plexus, that you, or someone very close to you, probably a close blood tie, like a parent, will die in about six month's time. If you are lucky enough to be even that much aware in your dreams, that it causes you to bolt upright in bed because it feels so real that it immediately awakes you from the dream - start making your final preparations, make sure that those closest to you, those that you have a psychic bond to, make their final preparations.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 12:22:00 PM
Until "Science" says that "Precognition" exists no one "here" will accept it, and if Science comes out and now says that it does exist then it will be accepted without questioning, as if it has always been so, even though the person who now believes it has no actual experiential experience of his own. It's like love - those who have never experienced it will say that no such thing exists, that two lovers cannot be psychically connected, that it is impossible!, it can't be done!, it doesn't exist because Science hasn't said so! They are like castrated eunuchs composing love poems and singing love songs.

That's a big problem with time - the older one gets the more one starts to question reality - did 'it' really happen? The older one gets the more one rationalizes their experience, until one is all mind and cold dead heart. At 100 years old you probably won't remember the orgasm, questioning if such a thing even exists - but there will be a nagging feeling in the back of your mind as you keep playing with your genitals.

Only those who know what it feels like to fall in love can know what love is. Those who have never known what love is can never know what love is. That's just the way it is...
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 12:01:26 PM
Oh, okay...

I've often wondered - did those who died in airplane crashes - did they get any promotion dreams? Logic would say, "If they did they would be alive but there would be no way to prove that if they hadn't gotten on the plane that that is the reason why they're still alive!" Well, I am here to tell you that I had once booked a flight to California decades ago and immediately, for two weeks thereafter I got nightmares. So I decided to change my plans and changed the booking to Florida. My nightmares immediately went away. ("That doesn't prove anything!" I can hear your minds crying out.)

At work, going away for training was almost impossible to get. After two year's waiting I was finally thrown a bone and all the plans were finalized. The week that I was supposed to go I went to my boss and told him that I was not going. I just had a feeling, I was getting nightmares. My brother knew three weeks prior that I would be away and two weeks after I was scheduled to come back he calls me and asks me if everything is alright. I ask him why he asks. He tells me that many in our family are calling him and the first thing out of their mouths is questions about me; he tells me that all our friends are calling him, even my enemies are calling him about me. I explain that I was supposed to die while away at school. I t turns out that the guy I was supposed to share an apartment with and a car ride to work with, died when traffic came to a stop on Route 3 in Massachusetts. A car behind him hit him at 65 mph and killed him. I probably would have died, too.

Nothing to say, is there? Such a story can't be accepted prima facie. It's anecdotal!, it doesn't mean a thing!, it couldn't have happened!, it was a mere coincidence!, it's impossible to prove!, You're lying!. Keep saying that to yourselves... you'll probably believe it without even thinking. It's a rut in your minds...

Those who know it exists know that it exists. Those who know it exists know that it's a waste of time trying to change your already made up minds. It's a waste of time and it is better to just keep it to one's self. Those who know that it can't exist (which is a logical fallacy since the mind cannot know the unknown, cannot experience the unexperienceable through rationalization) can't be made to believe that the possibility even exists.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 11:46:35 AM
... it's been hard to get anyone except my best friend to have an honest discussion about this.
And it's going to be utterly impossible to have any sort of discussion here. Heck, I'm surprised that even the word "coincidence" was not flamed. Anything that deviates in any way from Scientific beliefs will be related to philosophy/supernatural/metaphysics and will be summarily dismissed.

Keep it to yourself. The sharing of such thoughts, ideas or beliefs serves no purpose other than to inflame the Philistines ("a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.)

Materialistic Rationalization is all they know and all they want to know and hear from others.

You want to have an honest discussion here? Here??? Ha!!! Hahahahahahahahaha.
I'd love for esp and/or precognition to be true!Apparently you believe it me some evidence! Convince a person who WANTS to be convinced!
No matter what stories I tell they will be considered anecdotal, so why bother?

But just to please you, although it will obviously be subjected to much derision:

Back in 1963 my mom worked as a seamstress in a factory in the Bronx and while she was busy at work all of a sudden a "feeling" took over her whole being. She jumps up and screams - "My son!" She runs out of the building, she runs to the subway station and boards a train across town, she runs out of the subway station, she runs home, she flings open the door to our apartment on the 18th floor, she runs into my little brother's room just as she sees him falling out the window. She lunges and catches him by his foot 3 feet outside the window and pulls him back inside.

Non of your sorry ass forth coming comments from the O.T. Peanut Gallery will affect me - I know it to be the truth, as does my little brother, whom my mom lovingly reminds him often. The evil minded OTers will accuse my mother of being negligent - "What mom would work and leave her children home alone? She's obviously a bad mother!" The usual tactic of deflecting an argument will be employed...

Would it have made a difference had there been a baby sitter? In many minds it will seem obvious - and yet every week a child drowns in the Phoenix area, many "supervised" by baby sitters, parents and grand parents. Anyone who has a young child knows that as a parent he/she cannot take their attention and concentration off a child for a single moment. And yet the phone rings and babies drown in 2" of water... Remember that the next time your child is in the car and the cell phone rings or you're too busy texting back that last message you received.

I have my own tales I could tell - some of them have been told already, here - but what would be the use? The Old O.T. is dead, one where one could engage in serious dialogue. Now O.T. is just a playground for assholes. Your young ones still run amok, undisciplined, encouraged by the other Internet Bullies on the board. If it concerns religion the older atheists take the younger atheists under their wings. Bah. Pimpled ass teens who think being an asshole means he's cool and erudite. (Yeah, they're going to have to look that word up, I bet.)
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 11:21:44 AM
... it's been hard to get anyone except my best friend to have an honest discussion about this.
And it's going to be utterly impossible to have any sort of discussion here. Heck, I'm surprised that even the word "coincidence" was not flamed. Anything that deviates in any way from Scientific beliefs will be related to philosophy/supernatural/metaphysics and will be summarily dismissed.

Keep it to yourself. The sharing of such thoughts, ideas or beliefs serves no purpose other than to inflame the Philistines ("a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.)

Materialistic Rationalization is all they know and all they want to know and hear from others.

You want to have an honest discussion here? Here??? Ha!!! Hahahahahahahahaha.
I'd love for esp and/or precognition to be true!Apparently you believe it me some evidence! Convince a person who WANTS to be convinced!
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
August 14, 2014, 10:41:28 AM
Lets put this into perspective here, I've had some of these so called 'Precognitions' before and all it means is that your life has become so incredibly mundane and repetitive that you can actually predict what's going to happen in the next few weeks, so it's a bit like a statement of the bloody obvious. I'm sorry but people who try to equate this to some kind of supernatural ability or paranormal phenomenon are usually doing it precisely because their lives are so boring and they need to go find something new and random to do with their lives.

That's ignoring the fact that you're completely lacking in scientific method and you only have unreliable eyewitness testimony to prove this, Neil DeGrasse Tyson actually had an absolutely perfect bit about this except in regards to UFO's but it can be applied here too, if you're going to make such claims bring better proof!

p.s. I prefer the term Deja Vu Tongue
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 10:33:44 AM
... it's been hard to get anyone except my best friend to have an honest discussion about this.
And it's going to be utterly impossible to have any sort of discussion here. Heck, I'm surprised that even the word "coincidence" was not flamed. Anything that deviates in any way from Scientific beliefs will be related to philosophy/supernatural/metaphysics and will be summarily dismissed.

Keep it to yourself. The sharing of such thoughts, ideas or beliefs serves no purpose other than to inflame the Philistines ("a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.)

Materialistic Rationalization is all they know and all they want to know and hear from others.

You want to have an honest discussion here? Here??? Ha!!! Hahahahahahahahaha.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 14, 2014, 10:20:23 AM
Did you know I was going to respond?
yup   Grin
Activity: 107
Merit: 10
July 27, 2014, 06:48:53 PM
Did you know I was going to respond?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
eidoo wallet
July 24, 2014, 01:06:58 PM
I don't believe it's Precognition, but rather a "six sense". I've experienced tons of times where I'm doing an activity, and then I  immediately turn and look at someone out of nowhere, kind of subconciously(im not thinking of looking at then), I've only noticed that a few times, after I looked at said person. It's like, you know when someone is around you. That's happened to me tons of times, like I'd happen to look at a certain spot, and then someone would arrive from that spot seconds later..I think that happens to most people, anyway that's what I'd call the "six sense"
hero member
Activity: 686
Merit: 500
A pumpkin mines 27 hours a night
July 24, 2014, 11:05:34 AM
I don't believe in that. I guess it's just some phenomenon we experience where our mind thinks that certain events happened before others and actually get them wrong.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
July 24, 2014, 09:07:06 AM
I know that feeling, too.
However, most time of having it was during my childhood.
Now, I have it rarely.
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
July 24, 2014, 08:41:47 AM
it is scientifically proven that humans are very much bad decision makers a lot of the time making rash quick guesswork mostly instead of well thought out decisions when on the move day to day in our fast paced lives.

so those few that have a genius for good quick decision making, statistically better than most others, maybe these rascals think they have got some sort of precognition ?

steve jobs seemed to have had the quality of knowing what people would want in the future with his insight in to new product trends often being first to deliver, and turning apple around as a near bankrupt company into at one point the biggest firm in the world pipping exxon into 2nd place
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
July 23, 2014, 02:34:08 PM
I think precognition happens when the person's brain goes into a very specific scenario about something that could happen, and then what happens has a look and feel that is very close to that preconceived scenario. Because the scenario is still stored in memory, it "comes back" as a memory. Since it appears to your conscious self as a memory, then it must have been a "premonition" or whatever. Same thing with deja vu. Your mind plays out something very detailed, it happens, then the detailed memory comes back with a "woah, I was just there!"
Seems like a reasonable explanation.And how often does "precognition" and "deja vu" happen? 1% of the time, maybe? That is how we know it is just coincidence.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
July 22, 2014, 09:24:37 AM
Pretty sad no one told you your grandmother had passed away for a week.

Made me think of this though.
Maybe around 2002 was out in CO for a week visiting a lady friend. Was there for 2 days and just felt odd about being there. Something just made me feel like I should be home Couldn't explain it. Decided to change my flight and return home the next day.
Returned home without telling anyone in the family. Got in late and everyone was asleep. Within minutes of walking in and putting down my luggage the phone rang. Was my aunt calling to tell my mother that her father had just passed.
And if you got that strange feeling and didn't go home, the next day they would have told you about the call and you would have said "I knew I should have gone home!"

And if you got that strange feeling and didn't go home and he didn't die, you would have

A) forgotten about the strange feeling and it wouldn't have been strange at all, or
B) found something else to attribute the feeling to.

I'm missing the point of your anecdotal story. What would have been interesting is if you would have gotten a strange feeling "oh my god my grandfather just died!" and then the phone rang saying he died. But getting a strange feeling then finding something to attribute it to isn't strange at all.

I wonder how many times we get 'strange' feelings and actually nothing bad or strange happens. We then would of course just discard that feeling and wouldn't even remember it being there in the first place. Coincidences just strike our mind because they're remarkable when they happen. The odds of something remarkable or unusual happening aren't that small. Due to the many things that may happen, it's not far fetched that something actually happens.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
LIR Dev.
July 22, 2014, 08:48:29 AM
I've read that the Aborigine believe that our dreams are a mixture of our past, present and future.

Not sure if I believe that but it could explain feelings like deja vu.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
July 22, 2014, 08:46:01 AM
Pretty sad no one told you your grandmother had passed away for a week.

Made me think of this though.
Maybe around 2002 was out in CO for a week visiting a lady friend. Was there for 2 days and just felt odd about being there. Something just made me feel like I should be home Couldn't explain it. Decided to change my flight and return home the next day.
Returned home without telling anyone in the family. Got in late and everyone was asleep. Within minutes of walking in and putting down my luggage the phone rang. Was my aunt calling to tell my mother that her father had just passed.
And if you got that strange feeling and didn't go home, the next day they would have told you about the call and you would have said "I knew I should have gone home!"

And if you got that strange feeling and didn't go home and he didn't die, you would have

A) forgotten about the strange feeling and it wouldn't have been strange at all, or
B) found something else to attribute the feeling to.

I'm missing the point of your anecdotal story. What would have been interesting is if you would have gotten a strange feeling "oh my god my grandfather just died!" and then the phone rang saying he died. But getting a strange feeling then finding something to attribute it to isn't strange at all.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
July 22, 2014, 08:37:19 AM
I think precognition happens when the person's brain goes into a very specific scenario about something that could happen, and then what happens has a look and feel that is very close to that preconceived scenario. Because the scenario is still stored in memory, it "comes back" as a memory. Since it appears to your conscious self as a memory, then it must have been a "premonition" or whatever. Same thing with deja vu. Your mind plays out something very detailed, it happens, then the detailed memory comes back with a "woah, I was just there!"
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
July 22, 2014, 08:33:34 AM
Pretty sad no one told you your grandmother had passed away for a week.

Made me think of this though.
Maybe around 2002 was out in CO for a week visiting a lady friend. Was there for 2 days and just felt odd about being there. Something just made me feel like I should be home Couldn't explain it. Decided to change my flight and return home the next day.
Returned home without telling anyone in the family. Got in late and everyone was asleep. Within minutes of walking in and putting down my luggage the phone rang. Was my aunt calling to tell my mother that her father had just passed.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
July 21, 2014, 02:22:55 PM
So how much would you charge me for an exclusive warning prior to a bitcoin price crash? What are your success rates and how much in advance are you able to forecast those things?
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
July 21, 2014, 02:20:59 PM
Morgan Freeman told me that each part of the universe acts as a quantum bit in a quantum supercomputer called the Universe.
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
July 21, 2014, 01:28:11 PM
Having precognition implies the universe has determined outcome and there is no free will for any living organism.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
July 21, 2014, 12:46:04 PM
Humans are very repetitive creatures. We do the same things daily. What you described as precognition is really just something you were expecting to happen that did happen because you have experience living life day to day. Work is the same every day. "Oh man, it's going to boring today." Work is getting harder. "Oh man, it's going to be a bad day at work today." Friends are expecting to hang out with you. "I'll have fun today." Friends are too busy. "Life at work is hard and I have no one to socialize with today." It's all how you look at what happens to you daily that you start realizing patterns and piecing it all together. It's not some sixth sense.
I.e. it's patterns that we begin to recognize after 20, 30, 40, 50 years of repetition? Kind of like when people think they have bad luck, and thus they will?
Exactly. It's patterns that you recognize. After a while, you start to guess what will happen. Sometimes you are right and sometimes you are wrong. But when you are right you become surprised. So yes, you get used to repetition in life and start to guess what will happen.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
July 21, 2014, 12:40:11 PM
Humans are very repetitive creatures. We do the same things daily. What you described as precognition is really just something you were expecting to happen that did happen because you have experience living life day to day. Work is the same every day. "Oh man, it's going to boring today." Work is getting harder. "Oh man, it's going to be a bad day at work today." Friends are expecting to hang out with you. "I'll have fun today." Friends are too busy. "Life at work is hard and I have no one to socialize with today." It's all how you look at what happens to you daily that you start realizing patterns and piecing it all together. It's not some sixth sense.
I.e. it's patterns that we begin to recognize after 20, 30, 40, 50 years of repetition? Kind of like when people think they have bad luck, and thus they will?
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
July 21, 2014, 12:33:43 PM
Humans are very repetitive creatures. We do the same things daily. What you described as precognition is really just something you were expecting to happen that did happen because you have experience living life day to day. Work is the same every day. "Oh man, it's going to boring today." Work is getting harder. "Oh man, it's going to be a bad day at work today." Friends are expecting to hang out with you. "I'll have fun today." Friends are too busy. "Life at work is hard and I have no one to socialize with today." It's all how you look at what happens to you daily that you start realizing patterns and piecing it all together. It's not some sixth sense.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
July 21, 2014, 12:27:42 PM
The math suggests a world WITHOUT these kinds of coincidences would be special, but what you described isn't abnormal.

Precognition doesn't exist.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
July 21, 2014, 12:21:28 PM
First of all, it's been hard to get anyone except my best friend to have an honest discussion about this. I'm not here to argue, just explore a subject that interests me to learn about lately. Let's keep this fun and interesting.

I've had a few notable times in my life where, while awake, I get a really really strong feeling about something. It doesn't feel like "just a hunch," i.e. "if I don't do this work now, I will likely get in trouble." When it happens, it isn't something that comes from me debating anything (i.e "should I do this work now?"). It just pops up. Recent times this has happened that really sparked my interest:

1. I was at a friends, waiting for somebody to show up. I suddenly felt like the guy was there (there was a ~30 minute time window for this), and sure enough he had just arrived. I've had similar things to this many times before.
2. I had a really big hunch something (negative in this case) was going to happen at work. No real clear factual signs suggesting this event was coming. 2 weeks later, boom. Even my dad noticed this, and said that's odd I was freaking out about it weeks before.
3. An old one, but when my grandma passed, I had a feeling she did, nobody told me for a week, then they broke the news to me. I spent a week thinking she was gone, and she actually was.

Really crazy how this stuff happens. When I was much younger, my friends and I used to joke about my "6th sense." I take a little more interest in the subject and possible causes now (even coincidence) however.

Anyone else?
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