i dont feel its risky model ,since i payout only crowdfunded , i do understand i may lose out few customers if the payout are less , however will see an other workaround what can it be done at later stage to retain the customer .
yes timezone is issue , however i chose the index value from single reputed market (say google /coindesk) which most parts of world checks for bitcoin value .
if there are multiple winners as mentioned above , max payout is 100$ or crowd received fund (first come first basis).
regarding spending on website/servers avoiding scammers ,bots is definetly an challenge i need to plan later technically to make it safer .
This is why you must have some kind of money line to your bets. You have to have odds and chances and multipliers, I am no expert on these but I really believe this will be your friend. As this could prevent your site from going down because everybody just made a winning bet and the winnings are not worth it.
Nah. That is not needed. IMHO based on OP explanation about distribution of price. He will just used the crowdfund for the price and the max price will just 100$ if ever the crowdfund exceeds to that amount. The exceed will be the profit of OP. And it is very hard to predict 100% accuracy so it means that if there are no winner then OP take all the crowd fund. So there is no risk out there..
@OP, the tolerance of prediction is vey important factor to consider because it is really hard to predict a 100% accuracy.
Actually there will be no issue about the closing time, As long as OP provide a countdown timer and determined what site he will use for the price. Then it will run smoothly.
And regarding if multiple winner. I think OP will just divide the prize on equal part for each them. That was the logic based on reading OP mechanic.
@OP, please correct me if I stated a misunderstanding about your mechanics. This business is interesting. Goodluck!