I didn't do this. I instead wrote some ocaml code that could on the one hand locally ask bitcoind questions and on the other hand handle simple (but obscure) Q&A via a socket. I don't recommend doing it like I did, but I have trouble getting bitcoind to do what I want.
I'll put some mysql and php here in case it helps you or anyone else who comes across this thread later. In the process of cleaning and documenting these clips of code, I may have introduced errors, but it should give the idea. Also, I'm not giving the full environment (e.g., connecting to mysql from php).
Use at your own risk, and all other such caveats.
This code was for making bitcoin payments to activate an access code in order to obtain access to an online document.
Here is the relevant mysql table. I had a collection of (bitcoin-address,access-code) pairs for each document.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `docaccesscode` (
`docaccesscodeid` mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`docsha` char(64) NOT NULL,
-- price (in satoshis)
`docaccesscodeprice` BIGINT(19),
-- bitcoin address
`docaccesscodeaddr` varchar(34),
-- "access code"
`docaccesscode` varchar(21),
-- hash of access code
`docaccesscodehash` char(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
-- has this access code/payment address already been used? If so, put the timestamp. If not, it is NULL
`docaccesscodeused` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
-- has the payment been made?
`docaccesscodeactive` bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
PRIMARY KEY (`docaccesscodeid`)
Here is php code to request an access code and an address to pay to activate the access code.
// A helper function to write the number of satoshis in a nice way as "bitcoins, mbits or satoshis"
function satoshivalstr ($s) {
if ($s > 100000000) {
return (($s / 100000000)." bitcoins");
} else if ($s == 100000000) {
return "1 bitcoin";
} else if ($s > 100000) {
return (($s / 100000)." mbits (i.e., ".($s / 100000000)." bitcoins)");
} else if ($s == 100000) {
return "1 mbit (i.e., 0.001 bitcoins)";
} else {
return ($s." satoshis (i.e., ".($s / 100000000)." bitcoins)");
$tm = time();
// grab an unused address/access code
$newcodel = mysql_query("select docaccesscodeid,docaccesscodeprice,docaccesscodeaddr,docaccesscode from `docaccesscode` where docaccesscodeused
IS NULL and docaccesscodecurr=0 and docsha='".$_REQUEST['d']."' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
// set it as used (and record when it was "exposed")
mysql_query("update `docaccesscode` SET docaccesscodeused=".$tm." WHERE docaccesscodeid=".$newcode['docaccesscodeid']);
// Say "here is your access code and please pay this address"
echo 'Access code: '.$newcode['docaccesscode'].'
Pay '.satoshivalstr($newcode['docaccesscodeprice']).' to the address '.$newcode['docaccesscodeaddr'].' to ac\
tivate the access code.