Exchanges and such getting priority handling is nothing new: MTGox was doing it in 2011 (giving hosting to eligius in exchange for priority handling); and many other miners do as well. I understand F2Pool even has a paid access API. Being able to directly prioritize transactions is one of the reasons to participate in mining.
If you google 'gmaxwell out of band fees' you'll find many examples of me pointing out this-- e.g. making sure that fee estimation code isn't confused by it.
This doesn't change anything about fee market behavior: a fee is a fee regardless of how you pay it, including if its paid with service or in-kind. They'll be less need for this sort of thing once RBF is deployed with 0.12, because there will be a uniform mechanism for everyone to revise their fees.
Prioritizing transactions is also a maintained, documented and supported feature in Bitcoin Core, and has been for years:
Accepts the transaction into mined blocks at a higher (or lower) priority
1. "txid" (string, required) The transaction id.
2. priority delta (numeric, required) The priority to add or subtract.
The transaction selection algorithm considers the tx as it would have a higher priority.
(priority of a transaction is calculated: coinage * value_in_satoshis / txsize)
3. fee delta (numeric, required) The fee value (in satoshis) to add (or subtract, if negative).
The fee is not actually paid, only the algorithm for selecting transactions into a block
considers the transaction as it would have paid a higher (or lower) fee.
true (boolean) Returns true
> bitcoin-cli prioritisetransaction "txid" 0.0 10000
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "prioritisetransaction", "params": ["txid", 0.0, 10000] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
So effectively people are making a fuss about a miner using a feature of Bitcoin Core thats been around forever in entirely the expected way. Weird.