Hi guys,
It seems the public electrum nodes are being DDos'ed pretty badly lately, so i tried to setup a private electrum node using electrs (
https://github.com/romanz/electrs/) using nginx as an ssl endpoint and nginx's ngx_http_access_module module to automatically deny incoming connections EXECPT the ones i manually added to my whitelist.
I have no idear wether my setup will hold if it's being attacked to.
There are a couple of things you should realise before using my service:
- I need to whitelist your public ip, so if you use my service you'll have to send your ip to me (encryption available)
- My server keeps logs... I have no intention to start digging, but if i really wanted to, i could... And since i have your public ip, forum name, timestamps, potentially electr logs (see next point) i *could* do some heavy digging...
- I didn't edit the elecrs software, but there is no way for me to prove this... So you should progress under the assumption that i *could* be running a modified node
- By only connecting to one single node, i could distort the way you look at the network... I could easily block your access to the mempool for an unconfirmed transaction making it look like you didn't get payed. I could also delay your view on new blocks, or (in extreme cases) i could deliberately go with a forked chain so it looks like you got payed but in reality you didn't... I'm not planning on any of these things, but you should operate under
the assumption you need to verify important transactions using a thirth party block explorer - It's a free service, i don't accept any liability... If you lose funds, your wife, your house or even your health because of me, sorry, but i won't reimburse you!
- Even if you made a donation, i reserve the right to close this service at any time for any reason, or kick anybody from my server at any time for any reason without owing anybody an explanation
If you still want to connect to my private node, send your public ip to me using a PM. You can pgp encrypt the address using my public key, available here =>
https://keybase.io/mocacinno/key.asc or even use keybase's encryption utility directly =>
https://keybase.io/encrypt#mocacinnoYou can find your public ip by using a service like this one:
https://whatismyipaddress.com/last remarks: i realise ip's can be spoofed... This is just a quick and easy sollution... Also, electr doesn't support setting a donation address (yet)... If you want to send a tip, you can find my tipping address in my bitcointalk profile (but a tip is not necessary at all!)
After you sent me a PM, i'll reply as soon as your ip is whitelisted... I'll also send you the address to connect to. Afterwards, you can connect to my node by using the cli:
./electrum-3.3.4.exe --oneserver --server=[address i'll send you in PM]:50002:s
You can also just open electrum, click on the icon in the right bottom corner, go to the "server" tab and enter my server's address and port 50002