I am the creator of the alternative shopify method and I'm back with something even more insane. I mainly operate on a similar forum, some of you may recognize me. Unfortunately, the following wasn't accepted there, I won't go into details.
THE MONEY DUPLICATION METHODI don't know if I am a genius or just someone lucky enough to stumble upon gold.
While dropshipping and accepting payments for my SMMA through Stripe, I noticed a few things and realized that you can literally double your starting money. I've crafted this into a guide - THE MONEY DUPLICATION METHOD. (Stereotype - "money duplication", people immediately run in the other direction, small villages in Africa fall into the hands of colonizators and bad shit starts happening.. that's a joke of course, but you get what I am trying to convey - people immediately mark it as a scam). If I called this any other name other than "money duplication", no one would say shit, but oh well..
The question some of you sceptics might have is "WhY dOn'T yOu JuSt kEeP dUpLiCaTiNg iT yOuRsElf?", and the answer is that unfortunately,
there is a limiting factor so in order to really profit from this, I can either sell the method itself, or make this a service (which I won't do).
Classification: greyhat (nobody loses anything and nobody is at risk) (take refunding/SE as a reference - this method is less "evil" than those)
Requirements: credit/debit card (separate bank acc), bank acc, Stripe
Duration: 10 days (+-2)
Duplication limit: technically unlimited, but be realistic (safe level: ~20000€) (explained in the guide)
Price: 750€
Auto-buy:https://shoppy.gg/product/kdmeGwy ALL BUYERS WILL HAVE ACCESS TO MY SUPPORT DISCORD SERVER
People asking for photo proof: unfortunately, I would have to screenshot the whole process but then that would defeat the purpose as it would reveal how this works. I do have screenshots of the money landing in my bank account, but you might not consider that as proof (understandable since you would need insight into the method).
Sorry. Not forcing anyone to buy!
I have a problem with “I will pay once I try” (bad experiences): shitty people never actually executing the method and then saying it doesn’t work + re-selling/leak risk.
(I am selling the method, not the result, the result comes from taking action and that’s something I simply can not force anyone to do and something that no one can promise me - the unfair part of “let me try first”)
If you have a problem with this - get lost.
This will only be allowed for STAFF.
ONLY ONE VOUCH COPY WILL BE GIVEN TO TRUSTED MEMBERS ou will be able to confirm that the method works without even testing it
If you do not meet the criteria, don't even bother.