I'm an italian user!
sorry .. for my english...
I've got an ASROCK Z87 Killer Fatality... no video cards, only internal VGA..
for mining.. (with Blade)
On another PC (my first pc, i've used for work,.... it works perfectly.. - with Asus P6T), it works perfectly smooth on 5.3 Mh/s..
The problem is on the ASROCK pc.. it give me the follow error the Bfgminer:
Start to commiunicate with Clevermining BUT
REsult: 0kh/s..
the string i've used is this:
Bfgminer -S gridseed:all --set-device gridseed:clock=850 --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://us.clevermining.com:3333 -u xxxxx(my address BTC) -p x
The Com Port i've installed perfecly with this guide:
No errors, no usb port missing...
For the COM, STM com.. ( http://www.mediafire.com/download/bu247nrdzfl7zbb/blade+bfgminer+driver.zip),
and this the Bfg miner.. ===> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QrkWR5HdcQ
It seems no way to make see Usb Blade port to Bfg Miner
i'm very very afraid..
Can you help me in any way??
Anyone have got my problems??
Thank u in advance!!