Trying to get an Antminer u2 working in cgminer on a raspberry pi with cgminer version 4.9.2. I'm pretty sure cgminer detects the device but it wont run.
pi@raspberrypi /usr/src/cgminer $ sudo ./cgminer --ndevs
[2015-10-28 21:52:38.756] USB all: found 5 devices - listing known devices
.USB dev 0: Bus 1 Device 5 ID: 10c4:ea60
Manufacturer: 'Silicon Labs'
Product: 'CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller'
[2015-10-28 21:52:38.757] 1 known USB devices
While running cgminer if I disconnect and reconnect the Antminer u2 I get:
[2015-10-28 21:43:59.032] AMU 0 GetResults usb read err:(-9) LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE
[2015-10-28 21:43:59.045] AMU 0 attempted reset got err:(-5) LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_F
[2015-10-28 21:43:59.046] AMU 0: Comms error (rerr=-5 amt=0)
[2015-10-28 21:43:59.547] Write voltage Comms error (werr=-4 amount=0)
[2015-10-28 21:43:59.547] AMU 0: Write freq Comms error (werr=-4 amount=0)
[2015-10-28 21:43:59.547] AMU 0: Failed to set frequency, too much overclock?
[2015-10-28 21:44:00.048] Write voltage Comms error (werr=-4 amount=0)
[2015-10-28 21:44:00.048] AMU 0: Write freq Comms error (werr=-4 amount=0)
[2015-10-28 21:44:00.048] AMU 0: Failed to set frequency, too much overclock?
[2015-10-28 21:44:00.049] FAIL: USB get_lock not found (1:5)
[2015-10-28 21:44:13.182] AU3 0 GetResults usb read err:(-9) LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE
Any suggestions? Using the code
sudo ./cgminer --icarus-options 115200:2:2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 'myusrname' -p 'mypsswd'
With the appropriate arg in the -u and -p obviously.