In there is another option where you can export your private key and load its public key if I am not wrong. -snip-
That's only available in the old version, now it's only possible through "
seed phrase" (
Backup Phrase).
Either import it to other clients or use a tool to extract the address' private keys(s) with balance from it.
pablomiami instead of importing it to Trezor, use Electrum (
Restore the seed phrase using
Standard->I already have a seed->Option (check BIP39),
Select "
Legacy" then, change the derivation path into
m/44'/0'/1' to load your second wallet (
If you have more than 2 'Bitcoin wallets' in "Settings->Wallets and Addresses" of,
create another wallet in Electrum using the derivation path for the third account:
m/44'/0'/2', fourth
m/44'/0'/3', and so on.