Go Ubuntu 13.04 as a second boot and google install OpenCL in linux and follow those instructions
one of the ones I used was at http://develnoter.blogspot.ca/2012/05/installing-opencl-in-ubuntu-1204.html
Then install BFGMiner.
When using the configure, don't forget to allow OpenCL!!
Batch files in Ubuntu end dot SH example name " mining.sh " and have to be set up to change to the directory where the program is located UNLESS you actually had it installed as part of the operating system ( sudo make install ).
Using CGMiner willl require 2 more lines to tell the system to use GPUs and what percent.
using the following will set up bfgminer ( located off of your home directory in one called bfgminer, all lower case ) to mine and it tends to keep adding mining pools if you tell it to save while it's mining. The settings file will be in your home directory in a folder called .bfgminer ( YES it starts with a dot ) called bfgminer.conf that you can edit with a text editor like GEDIT ( usually all lower case from terminal window ).
sudo ./bfgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 -u nybbler905_2 -p 123
You will have to use a terminal window ( ALT+CTRL+t ) and type " sudo ./bfgminer " once it's set up with the correct pool/miner's user/password and you NEED a password for logging in, you also need to set it up ( Ubuntu, during the install process ) to auto log you to the desktop.
CGMiner has some better settings ( IMHO ) for GPU mining, and BFGMiner has better results. Either way, you are better off doing it in Linux as it's supported by millions of people that actually use it and not some company that outsources patches for known security bugs ( remember the insta-virus on new XP systems that didn't get service pack 3? ) that were known about since Win 95.
Enough rant, get mining and try it with sudo ./bfgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 -u nybbler905_2 -p 123
IF THIS HAS ASSISTED ie, it's not needed, but i'd apreciate it