Dear fellow cryptopians,
We are Mediana Software, a newly formed, backend focussed software company from The Netherlands. We have experience with blockchain apps, ERC20 tokens and a whole host of backend related software. We are available for hire at 60 euro per hour for any backend related project. Does your project or company experience difficulties with database management? Are your work processes kind of opaque? We can help you refactor, organise and automate. Our portfolio is online at We are always up for a Skype call, always online and we always think along with our customers. We can communicate in written form in Dutch, English, Serbian, Russian, French and German. In Skype calls we can communicate in Dutch, English and Serbian fluently (all Dutch people at the company have an International Baccalaureate certification for their English skills).
Kind regards and hope to see some interesting projects come from this channel,
Sebastiaan from Mediana Software