Thought about it more, and it appears very likely that Economic Soliton theory applies, which describes waves moving from some industries to other industries in a bell curve shape, like when you whip a rope and it travels at constant speed. The first person to observe and write about soliton waves followed it on his horse for miles in a narrow road with rock walls with shallow water. He said it widened over the miles but mostly kept its shape and speed, which is very surprising for people who theorize that water has friction against itself (superfluid vacuum theory applies even in ordinary water). How else could it be that the same shape of water could travel miles and remain a bell curve (and a little longer back to front)? If it worked with the taxes and complexity of our economic equations, it would probably diverge into fractal weather patterns and jump around, similar to WaveSim "integrating the schrodinger wave equation" 1 dimensional java applet on a ring of a power of 2 complex numbers updating even/odd pairs in one cycle then odd/even pairs alternating cycles (which appears probably related to the recursion of cooley tukey FFT)... When the default setup is changed only slightly, it jumps around exponentially divergently until it explodes exceeding the range of the floating points, similar to how the fourier of a bell curve is another bell curve, but the fourier of a bell curve and slight randomness or 2 bell curves looks nothing like a bell curve. Bell curves are 1 dimension of a view of hypersphere, as every hyperbell has a 1 lower dimensional hypersphere of constant density at each radius, and on the radius a perfect bell curve e^(stdDev^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi) scaled by number of dimensions, but we can use stdDev as the unit of distance and, it appears very similar probably related somehow, length contraction appears to be a function of number of dimensions of hypersphere which various continuously (see function for surface/volume of nsphere and continuous approximation of it, and limiting to exact as dimensions limit to infinity (a sphere is slightly less than 2 dimensions if you cant crush a flat paper onto it, instead getting a wrinkle of dimension somewhere, while equally correct it can be bent convex or concave in any combinations, so number of dimensions of manifold is similar to a real number, and more accurately is a set of points with an economic relation between each pair, which appears to be the time in the complex numbers rotating when its better strategy to buy/sell in one direction than another, but as Travelling Salesman (not exactly because its multiply instead of sum but its not exactly multiply either because of the graph shape with directed edges. Still fitting the pieces of this theory together, but I'm almost certain that my tensor matrix is clique shaped instead of flat affine transform. I have an equation that explains part of that.
The Amount Of Dimension (aod) equation:
aod(thisVector) = aod(thisVector)/sumForEachVectorIncludingSelf(aod(thatVector)*dotProductBetweenThisVectorAndThatVector^2), where all vectors are unit length and real numbers (no complex, but it appears I should add that somewhere for the time).
The converging algorithm form is the same code except you set aod(eachVector) to the right side of the equation at the same time for all vectors and repeat approximately log (a few hundred cycles, and sometimes it doesnt converge all the way but gets really close, and very important is that it always has an exact solution for hypersphere harmonics like 17 unit vectors spread around even angles, like in ring math, and higher dimensional rings like the 4 directions of diamond or the directions of carbon atoms in buckyball from its center (which has slightly higher gravity because they are near).
What does aod do? Its amount of dimension. It converges to the sum of aod of all vectors equals the integer number of dimensions those unit vectors are embedded in, if its exactly balanced, else when you add more random vectors it gets more accurate toward the number of dimensions. Randomness makes it more accurate, the opposite of what you'd expect, but you still have to keep track of the integer number of dimensions the vectors are embedded in, something I've been searching for a long time how to do relatively, and I think the gametheory between an infinite manifold where each 2 adjacent points are 2 kinds of money with trading ratio (of the best strategy to keep fluid all at the same level) being entropy kind of time, more possible states in one direction than another, like there are more possible futures where central currencies accelerate in influence on the global economy and push against new currencies sucking value out of them. I think the best thing for everyone who wants more valuable things for themself and without even one person losing more than they get in market value, is a superfluid simulation as an infinitely divisible manifold with tensor matrix having edges of type best trading rate between 2 infinitely small currency types.
The tensor matrix as an undirected graph with entropy based time defined by trading strategy, is like the relativity equations when used in triangle form, and it also has a continuous loop, and continuous manifold form, as closed loop covering potentially every node like Travelling Salesman... not exactly travelling salesman because it multiplies instead of adds, and not exactly multiplies because its a little more shaped as clique than perpendicular dimensions, so probably not BQP (which I only vaguely understand as what they say quantum computers do with limits of uncertainty statistically approached with very cold manifold circuits) and not NPComplete. I think its a new complexity class most similar to how Poincare conjecture was proven with bending the 3-sphere surface continuously and finding it the same shape, except dimensions at each point vary continuously instead of integer 3 exactly.
Automorphic shapes like buckyball and all except the outer layers of diamond or any other crystal (do they wrap around if shifted by one atom and near zero kelvin fusioned? If we could do it that accurately? As I see it, one atom is equal to another except for location, so overlap is a NO-OP except the edges which would each have a half atom hanging off of now 1 more layer of atoms than it had... In other words, graphene might become carbon nanotube if superpositioned and collapsed onto itself one atom offset, as a permanent twist seen as a closed tube. Doesn't it have some strange properties in that tube? Its automorphic of the number of polymer around the ring. Automorphisms are not unique quantum states because you cant tell them apart, except for what caused them to shift by n atoms around. Related to "it always has an exact solution for hypersphere harmonics like 17 unit vectors spread around even angles, like in ring math". Cliques are as automorphic as sphere of that many dimensions (number of nodes in the clique with econ strategy relation between each pair) except for connecting to the nodes outside the clique in nonsymmetric ways.
The practical use of this theory, and prototype software I hope to get on the Internet soon in a very basic form, would be the precision ability to navigate economic soliton waves using geodesics between as many black holes orbiting eachother and rotating as there are central currency types, with smaller black holes continuously as the various feature vectors that describe our world, like the paradigm of repeating things on 7 day cycles, the 1 day cycle of Earth's orbit which sleep and other scheduling causes small economic changes, the year long repeated patterns of holidays birthdays, and recursively the basic theory of astrology that the movement of large objects in space affects patterns of events, I-Ching as the patterns of coins landing are quantum pigeonholed into not enough states to be independent of events in the world entangled with the observation of the coins caused by deciding to act based on how they land. Its all gravity, in continuous dimensions.
There is nothing intelligent about superfluid falling to its own surface level, bending into continuous dimensions on pigeonholed automorphisms being interchangible except for how they touch the nonautomorphic parts of the world outside (the process of double slit branching is not symmetric, but the superpositioned state is a n-sphere as n limits to infinity and 3-sphere locally has the same topology as any other number of dimensions.
Nash Equilibrium will almost certainly occur continuously if the system works as described here and motivates people to observe eachother's potentially dangerous actions (like pulling real world value from third world countries by "negative distance" loop that profits just by trading in a circle then the imbalance is consumed and others hold it more stable as they predict to avoid you taking their value again which their not paying attention allowed to happen. Nash Equilibrium is a continuous manifold, an event horizon, in the timeless view. Its timeless because nobody has a reason to change their strategy, the definition of Nash Equilibrium.
Central currencies are the same shape as black holes, in the space of possibilities its that shape, which we see as spaghettification between people and businesses and countries and overspecialization without enough overlap of skills and generalists, which are pushed by market force and government threats to route their "tradable perception of value" (my definition of money) through the systems designed to keep us from falling into any of the black holes (like the currency of specific parts of the world and what its generally used for) and more than that to keep the black holes from colliding by oscillating the economy in a mostly blind search for local geodesics. I'm hoping this theory and research into a practical simulation soon based on gametheory, will be the most accurate model of economic soliton theory upgraded with relativity and loop quantum gravity (the loops of trading that whoever first notices can get money for free because others let the economy destabilize).
Anyone acting alone could potentially use this, if it works as I expect, to crash the global economy with an efficiency hard to imagine, a dangerous ability for some to have but entirely safe when everyone has it, because the same gametheory can be used recursively to cause people to watch eachother doing potentially dangerous things. There's a minimalist gametheory called "punish the nonpunishers", where anyone observing bad actions of another is just as guilty as them for not reporting it to the world (whistleblowing in the most extreme and far too aggressive form) and would be reacted to by anyone observing this "letting it slide" by some negative action (such as posting to facebook you suck because you did this thing, or in cases of military industrial complex by building new kinds of gametheory to land on the spaghettification by being so balanced in all directions that none can get spaghettified first).
So here's my theory of how to build a flying saucer or high dimensional recursive radio is more technical... Balance the manifold around you so well that no part can be spaghettified first, even by the small gravity of a planet. It must therefore rise as repelled by the curved space which it cant fit in because it has a different number of dimensions. For the same reason, if it can be balanced even more accurately and held there with more power, theoretically not even a nuclear explosion could penetrate the slightly balanced spacetimequbitdimensions you balanced around you in all directions and would instead cause spherical harmonics which is probably why ball lightning can pass through solid objects while near invisible. The other and more important to understand way to describe the balanced manifold around you is neither concave or convex and is a massless black hole at the limit of zero size and equal to flat space except for containing you which is not exactly flat. Lightspeed is the border between convex and concave. Theres a video on youtube of turning a sphere inside out, which I imagine is somehow related. Think of it like tapping tiny nails into the stretched parts of your curved space in a way that balances it, very weak everywhere locally, but eggs and other spherelike shapes are strong as a whole object, also similar to the arch as a parabola. depending on which ways you're being pulled.
This would be modelled using my aod equation and converging algorithm form combined with random searches for closed loops that profit without contributing anything to the world except to take from people who didnt put enough effort into balancing the world. As a statement of efficient gametheory, I recommend to everyone to either punish with least necessary force (which may be just speaking badly in public) or preferably solve the thoughts or other causes of the unbalance, and the same to anyone who says "its not my problem", because it is their problem if we punish them for not solving the worlds problems which includes ours and their problems. The econ physics theory is a tool to cause such changes with precision, if it works like I think it will to simulate a continuous dimensional superfluid of trading strategy between each 2 infinitely small points which are each a different kind of money and a vector including related kinds of money which is how the manifold connects to itself in many dimensions as undirected graph data structure with trading strategy edges.
It is not necessary to whistleblow like wikileaks or fly planes into buildings or hack the NSA's computers, which is like beating a black hole with a hammer when you can use a manifold simulation to balance your local shape so its nowhere any more bendable than anywhere else, like Bose Condensate falling into not enough quantum states for the particles to have individual existence so they act together piling up quickly in a bellcurve like shape in the center. Terrorism is a waste of time when continuous Nash Equilibrium can suck as much real world value out of wall street and militaries and governments as the people of earth see as balanced and efficient toward our preferred futures. Economic warfare is a great deterrent to potential terrorism like the lack of accountability of various robot armies operated by nobody knows exactly who or how to report them to their boss. If this works as expected, and it will be only a basic prototype on the internet soon hopefully, the military and lobbying and other forms of sucking value away from the people will be continuously flowed into a manifold of kinds of money at each 2 adjacent points, in the same shape as a very weak warp field depending on how much effort people put into it, how much market force and value people find in 7 billion different kinds of money (or however many continuous points added and deleted as needed) which, in terms of AI theory, are feature vectors, and in terms of physics are moving objects with gravity and time.
There is no immediate path from moving to timeless because Nash Equilibrium can only be slid through continuously, else there would be a reason for someone to change their strategy.
I expect astrology, I-Ching, Wikipedia, Pagerank, and scientific data of the positions and shapes of large objects in space, will be found as useful predictors of economic patterns, as in economic soliton theory, moving objects being a bunch of solitons gravity near eachother. There is nothing religious about the movements of large objects in space influencing patterns of events, which happens on day and year intervals because people plan around repeated patterns and the physics of it being superfluid gravity falling to its surface level in continuous number of dimensions (undirected graph tensor matrix or integer number of steps in the loop to profit by others laziness). Also, since an integer number of buys/sells in each loop, continuously as it limits to infinity, is a continuous manifold, the cardinality of integers exceeds the cardinality of reals in the way the number of dimensions is self referencing as the graph edges are trading strategy between pairs of points.
Should look into the nondimensional schrodinger equation which I still find their symbols confusing but have put some of it together from various sources.
In the space of all possibilities, a superfluid falls to the actions which lead to its lowest energy state, effectively computing all the automorphisms at once if its exactly simulated, but it cant be exactly simulated with a finite number of points even while they are able to divide the manifold infinitely continuous like a 3-sphere can locally have more, equal, or less than 3 dimensions continuously.
A black hole looks like a large number of points with the same scalar weight between them in Nash Equilibrium, and each such point's aod (amount of dimension) is 1/(number of points - 1) in the incomplete model of aod which may need to be expanded with complex numbers andOr recursively as the nsphere rotates from convex to flat to concave (or the opposite), as you can see that video of turning a sphere inside out on youtube (something like that), and I'm not sure how to build the system to do that but that's the math of it. The main computing of it is the gametheory of trading between pairs of kinds of money and vectors of amounts of those, considering many randomly searched loops and evolution of combinations of loops (see how 2 loops swap 2 lines to join or the opposite in the physics pages of wikipedia), searched by max clique of which are compatible with eachother, and representing the search for max clique or close to it (we can allow approximations if you dont mind extra decaying and entropy) as NAND forests andOr boltzmann machines, like Bitcoin searches for a consistent model of the block chain putting some together and rejecting others.
I define money as "any tradable perception of value". Since I do not offer my perceptions for trade, only my actions toward valuable products and services, there is a possible exception to scalar numbers being defined as money which occurs at exact Nash Equilibrium where incoming and outgoing money amounts are always equal and therefore are a NO-OP, like the local way of transferring debt between people or organizations which trust eachother up to certain money amounts used in the Ripple money system, at least the original version of it as I watched their video years ago before they hooked into a variety of kinds of money. Maybe Ripple would be interested in this kind of gametheory and manifold based motivation. Isnt it interesting how you can define something as money or not by your own definitions, as long as you are accurately describing what you think it is, when others can't agree on a definition of money? Wouldn't they have to define it as money before regulating it? As a physics simulation, its not money, but there are ways of using it that it is money. Theres nothing about it that makes it either money or not money, except how people use it, maybe with the line being the use of digital signatures to sign your transactions instead of anonymous points on a physics manifold looking for its own fluid level. I would be interested to see anyone try to regulate physics, like taxing a star or gamma rays as they pass by.
Also something not much important to the theory and coming prototype, but recursive signal processing which vibrates the dimensionless manifold occurs in nature, including in a kind of plant deep in the ocean which receives a photon once per 30 minutes and uses quantum behaviors in rings of polymer to route it to a specific place to use it to move atoms. Precision quantum nanotech occurs in nature so must be doable with machines of some kind. Someone should look into possible quantum computing based on that kind of plant (polymer rings flow superpositioned photon). A superposition is automorphisms existing as one thing without the property of dimension which solves the problem of choosing which side of the dimension to start at. By occams razor, I have no use for the hypothesis that dimensions exist. Graph theory with trading strategy between pairs is a better model.
The sum of C^2 coins each as -1 or 1 has a standard deviation exactly C, for any integer C^2. See spiral of Theodorus for a spiral including all such triangles with a side of 1. Reminds me of some parts of zeta function but its hard to imagine as I cant much visualize complex exponents. Should look into if its continuous or if it goes 1 unit at a time. Distance between approximate rings of spiral approaches pi in the limit of C^2 coins is infinity coins. These coin flips are a way to think of the zigzagging through pascals triangle, as coins derive bell curves derive circles/spheres/hyperspheres and statistics in general. Difference in number of possible states is entropy force of time, as pairs of points motivate trading when any loop exists which pays whoever finds it without doing any work except finding it, so I guess searching the permutation number of loops (divided by size of the loop as it could be done by any point in the loop) does count as work... observing/computing toward balancing the economy manifold is a valuable service provided by the dimensionless fluid which is too stupid to do anything except fall downhill, or provided by intelligent minds competing to fit their loop of trades into the block chain before others trade in a way that would require a database rollback except as merkle forest like subversion (SVN).
We may find an equation of the ratio between market force and energy, as the more strategicly you search for profitable loops, the lower energy the manifold is in total.
Probably too early to say, but P vs NP may be answered by gravity, at least statistically in how the gametheory of trading between pairs of points should converge to a clique of interchangible trading ratios where no money can be made by trading in a circle or any other pointless actions. Since gametheory approaches turingComplete but must act after a short time else the tiger will eat you while you're computing all possible ways it might move to infinite precision, gametheory is at most NPComplete which is the finite size version of turingComplete which may go on forever. For example, if a majority of voters predicted that same majority would vote for a certain third party but only if the others do too, it is solvable in linear time to make a list of who announces they will do that, and for those who lie as a recursive strategy, that is a well explored part of gametheory normally handled by punishing (or rewarding less, however you say a derivative of goal function) those who less help us figure out what they're going to do and force others to predict with less accuracy what they might do and spend more resources handling multiple possible cases, an aggressive Sun Tzu strategy even while literally peaceful, keeping the people of Earth ignorant of our possible futures and whats happening on our planet is dangerous if those trying to handle possible dangers for us don't have accurate enough models of the world, like a theoretical gravity based economic soliton theory to signal process orbits of central currencies around eachother and smaller feature vectors outward from them continuously. I don't have all the answers, but the global economy shouldnt be handled only by those currently in an accelerating arms race over tech thats not going to be the major influence, the coming global brains merging AI and people in various ways, and potential more accurate simulations of physics and economics as a manifold. A gametheory paradox motivating its own expansion.