Raccolta fondi per un farmaco antitumorale patent free, senza brevetto. Progetto Marylin sul farmaco 9DS. Video in inglese del ricercatore che cerca fondi per la ricerca:
http://youtu.be/NLPMmp4Ka6ghttp://pledge.indysci.org/liberate-pharmaceuticalsBitcoin Donations
As part of this campaign, we'll be accepting bitcoin donations. At the conclusion of the fundraising period, collected bitcoin will be added to the total donations to ascertain if we have tilted our fundraising. You can see how much we have recieved in bitcoin, in real-time, above. Because of the non-refundability of bitcoin, if our fundraising fails to tilt, we will make a best effort to return the bitcoin, or otherwise donate the funds to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research hospital. If we raise 10 BTC for the effort, these funds will be used to cover the expenses to scale up and begin testing one variant of 9DS. We'll name this compound "satoshimycin" in honor of Nakamoto Satoshi.
Articolo in italiano:
La ricerca sul cancro non si arresta. In un periodo marcato dall’approccio collaborativo il progresso medico potrebbe molto beneficiare di strumenti come il crowdfunding e l’Open Source.
http://www.gizmodo.it/2014/09/30/lotta-contro-cancro-grazie-crowdfunding-allopen-source.htmlAltri articoli:
http://it.ibtimes.com/articles/70737/20140927/open-source-tumore-farmaco-brevetto-proprieta-intellettuale-9-deoxysibiromycin-9-ds-yonemoto-gerrata.htmhttp://www.wired.com/2014/09/man-quest-open-source-cancer-research/Isaac Yonemoto is a chemist, but he’s been writing software code since he was a kid. He calls himself a “semi-recreational” programmer, and now, he’s running an experiment that combines this sideline with his day job. In short, he’s using open source software techniques to kickstart the world of cancer research.
Patent-free and crowd-funded by the bitcoin digital currency, Yonemoto’s project seeks to resurrect work on a promising anti-cancer compound called 9-deoxysibiromycin, or 9-DS. Early tests indicated it could provide a treatment for melanoma, kidney cancer, and breast cancer, but then, for various reasons, research on the compound was abandoned.