I'm sure if you like my idea and make it real you will contact me to give me a little sum-sum of the profits...
Then again it might already exist but i just don't know about it.. And i would make it myself if i had more then minimal programming skills. But seems like the crypto-wallets are fairly easy to copy paste when making so shouldnt be that hard.
What i'd like to see, something like:
Basicly i want a wallet that eats other wallets!
One wallet to rule them all!
Doesnt even need extensive programming, can be just a skin that calls up all the qt-clients that have already been installed. Tell the big wallet that there is a new coin and voila, it will show it in screen and when clicked on open that wallet in new window.
With some more programming later on maybe from startpage get an overvieuw with amounts coins in each wallet etc. But for starters just something to manage all the wallets.
Im new to cryptoworld, but 1 month in im already feeling the hassle of having to manage 10+ wallets.... quite tedious.
So that said....
who's likes the idea? / would you donate to the brave programmer for making something like this?
and who's brave enough to take on this kinda project?