I have just a few basic issues that I consider to be deal killers for progressives. They are all logic fails that expose progressives as a group of people whose tenets are built on lies preached as truth by intellectual priests and control mongers.
1. Death penalty is not a deterrent. We put armed prison guards in towers for a reason. The death penalty is an obvious deterrent. Its implementation and other cultural factors like "honor killings", the war on drugs, poverty are impossible to factor out of statistics, but don't try and convince anyone the death penalty is not a deterrent. A world filled with murder says otherwise. The argument enrages me. Get this though, I don't believe in the death penalty 99% of the time. I don't think we have high enough standards of evidence. But don't make me spew stupid arguments, convince me otherwise.
2. The rights of the mother to "choose" outweighs the right of life for the child. I grew up supporting abortion. I wanted a girl i thought I got pregnant to get an abortion, luckily she wasn't preggo. Abortion is the most selfish disgusting thing you can ever do as a human and live in regret every day that I tried to convince someone to have an abortion. If a woman aborts her own baby with a coat hanger, well that is a sad thing but she still killed an innocent. Convince me otherwise.
3. I must view gay people no other way than being born that way and gays have no choice in the matter regarding their sexuality. So what is the problem?? Well, there is actually no science that says you are actually "born that way". You smart progressives already know this and are perpetuating a lie for your own purposes, you stupid ones are well just stupid.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/23/homosexuality--choice-born-science_n_2003361.htmlAs a matter of fact endless studies about homosexuality only suggest that there is a DNA component in your sexual discovery. NBA gay player Jason Collins has a straight TWIN brother.
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/05/16/gay-nba-player-s-twin-brother-gets-i-m-straight-one-t-shirt-jimmy-kimOne of the two IS NOT closeted, there are endless cases like this. Every intelligent human i have ever spoken with knows that the "born that way" mantra is nothing more than a religious point of view and a way to win moral support. It is actually more than that it is a blatant lie. And get this, i don't ACTUALLY care about gays having rights. I am more libertarian than anything, I am sick of the govt screwing with peoples lives.
But when you spew religious dogma as fact their will always be unintended consequences. For example, in my local schools because it is now legal for gays to marry, homosexuality is now taught as being something indelible at birth yes in school it is taught as fact though it is not, and the children are instructed to experiment and find out who they really are. This will have no consequences, dumb dumb dumb.
What is another consequence? Well the born that way argument, is so strong that it is on par with racism. Which means disagreeing labels you as someone worthy to be banned from society, see Firefox CEO. So a giant lie creates massive division in society and eventually silences anyone that doesn't believe that lie... wow. Why aren't you progressives looking at the big picture.
How about anther, children at the age of 5 and 6 are being identified by their therapist and parents as gay or straight or transgendered and are subjected to therapy, and a lifestyle from the age of 5! all over the planet. No negative consequences here.
Be gay be straight, I don't give a rats ass, but don't spew lies and force the world to live a false religion because it progresses your personal views more.
4. Banning guns is somehow a good idea. Mexico bans guns, have you seen their murder rate?, Chicago bans guns. you don't need guns to murder or commit mass murder. This argument that we can reduce murder may only work on a global scale and do you really want to go there??? convince me otherwise.
5. The 1% are evil. For the most part i agree, but it goes BOTH ways, plenty of 1% are progressives and evil. Soros has made a puppet of USA media. Convince me otherwise. Why make conservatives the defenders of the 1%.