Genau diese 600$ Regel scheint bei Ihm das Problem zu sein.
Als nicht US Bürger oder Unternehmen muss er entweder das Formular
W8-BEN oder das Formular
W8-BEN-E ausfüllen und einreichen.
Quelle (
Form W8-BEN/W8-BEN-E (International Customers)
The IRS mandates that international customers who earn at least $600 complete forms W8-BEN or W8-BEN-E and that they be stored by the mining pool. These forms are linked in the IRS forms section. Unlike the form 1099-MISC, which Prohashing mails to customers, customers submit the W8-BEN/W8-BEN-E forms to Prohashing. They should be printed, signed, and scanned (or imaged with a cell phone), or, alternatively, completed online using Adobe Acrobat. Customers can then upload the forms using the buttons provided.
Prohashing is not required to perform identity verification on customers, so no identity documents are required. If identity documents, like passports and drivers licenses, are uploaded, those files will be deleted. If the signature is missing on a form, or if the provided address does not exist, the form will be deleted and a new one requested. Once received and validated, W8-BEN forms are valid indefinitely, and customers who have submitted these forms will not receive 1099-MISC forms.
W8-BEN and W8-BEN-E forms are not required to be forwarded to the IRS, so Prohashing does not file these forms with the IRS. We understand that this data is important to customers, so we do the minimum that is necessary to comply with the law, which is to retain the forms for the shortest time possible.
As with the 1099-MISC data, the images and PDFs of these forms are archived offline to a disconnected disk daily and deleted from the server, so it is not possible for your information to be stolen through remote hacking. Because the information is not available online, the website can only display whether you have submitted the form or not. The forms remain on the disconnected disks until the statute of limitations expires, after which time the data and all its backups will be permanently destroyed. The data will never be read except to initially verify it, and after that only read if mandated by a court or audit. Otherwise, the data will not be read, used for promotional purposes, or given to any other company. If you wish to correct a prior submission, the current form will supercede the previous form when a new form is uploaded.