
Topic: [Project] DoTx - DeFi of Thrones (Read 179 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
December 03, 2020, 04:15:23 AM
Bceм дoбpый дeнь!

Пишy нeбoльшoe oбнoвлeниe пo нaшeмy пpoeктy.

Пpoeкт paзвивaeтcя и xopoшo pacтёт. Hecкoлькo днeй нaзaд зaкoнчилcя бeтa тecт/бaг бayнти пpoгpaммы, в кoтopoм yчacтвoвaли 30~40 чeлoвeк. C мoмeнтa мoeгo пepвoгo cooбщeния цeнa xopoшo пoднялacь:

C 0,05$ в кoнцe ceнтябpя цeнa дocтиглa 0,30$ пapy днeй нaзaд, oнa ceйчac нaxoдитcя oкoлo 0,20$, и y мeня мнoжecтвo пpичин, чтoбы cчитaть, чтo динaмикa бyдeт пoлoжитeльнoй:

- Paзpaбoтчики внeдpили cиcтeмy cжигaния тoкeнoв, чтoбы мoтивиpoвaть xoлдepoв (пocлe кaждoй игpы, 5% тoкeнoв пpoигpaющeгo дoмa бyдyт coжжeны).
- Aктивнo вeдётcя мapкeтингoвaя кaмпaния (Telegram/Twitter/YouTube).
- 10/12/2020 DOTX выxoдит нa mainnet, и нaчнyтcя пepвыe peaльныe игpы.

Гpyппa в Teлeгpaммe ( oчeнь aктивнa, вce oчeнь дpyжeлюбны и пoзитивы! Кoмaндa пocтoяннo oбcyждaeт бyдyщee пpoeктa c члeнaми гpyппы. Я cчитaю, чтo ceйчac oтличный мoмeнт, чтoбы ycпeть выгoднo инвecтиpoвaть, тaк кaк мapкeтингoвaя кaмпaния тoлькo нaчaлacь, и y этoгo пpoeктa eщe oгpoмный пoтeнциaл pocтa. Bыпycк 10/12, этo тoлькo нaчaлo!

Bceм xopoшeгo вeчepa!
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
October 05, 2020, 12:45:35 PM

The project DeFi of Thrones (DoTx) has made a partnership with the project Foresight (FORS) and there will be a crossed airdrop. Rules are simple:

  • 3000 $ of FORS to the top 50 holders of DoTx (except for the team)
  • 3000 $ of DoTx to the holders who have more than 50 000 FORS

More information here:
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
September 22, 2020, 07:55:31 AM
Hi everyone,

I want to introduce you to a Franco-Belgian project: DeFi of Thrones (DoTx). I'll be honest with you: I'm not a member of the project development team, but I personally know several of them, and I want their project to be seen.

1. What is DeFi of Thrones?
DeFi of Thrones is a game based on the Ethereum blockchain that organizes duel between DeFi projects (referred to as “houses”) every two weeks, based on their results in the market, to determine the winner. Some examples of houses:

Here's how a game of DeFi of Thrones unfolds:

1. Players choose one of the two proposed houses. A house is an established DeFi project with high volume and high ratings on CoinMarketCap.

2. After choosing a house, players must pay DoTx to prove their allegiance to a house. The amount of DoTx spent will determine the number of tickets the player gets. Each player will receive their tickets in proportion to the amount invested in the house.

3. Each duel will last a week, during which the smart contract will collect actual market data and determine which house has the best 7-day average performance.

4. Winners receive tickets from the losers in proportion to the amount invested in the house. The tickets are then converted to DoTx and sent back to your wallet.

2. Project status
On public sale on August 25, 2020, the project raised 201 ETH in less than an hour. At the time of this writing, there are 3,900,000 DoTx in circulation at $ 0.055 per token. Amid fluctuations, market capitalization hovers around $ 250,000 (nanocap).

The development team is highly motivated and is two months ahead of their roadmap. The first duels will take placeon the testnet in November 2020, and the public release should be in December 2020. Here are some screenshots of the platform (in development):

The marketing team is constantly in talks with influencers and exchanges. It strives to keep the community informed and to maintain cohesion by frequently posting news and being active on social media.

3. Warranties
The max supply is 6,000,000 DoTX, broken down as follows:
Founder and Lead Developer, Maxime Reynders, shared his LinkedIn with the community ( Last week, he announced his retirement to his employer after working 6 years as an Android developer to fully devote himself to this project.

4. Potential
DeFi of Thrones has significant viral potential in the DeFi space. This is in response to the obvious desire of the investment gamification of the community. From duel to duel, the project will gain momentum, fueled by the popularity of other projects. Today's cryptocurrency market is, first of all, is an attention economy, and such a unique project is likely to attract many people.

In terms of ROI, a market cap of just $ 5 million (i.e. in the TOP 600 on CoinMarketCap) would lead us to a DoTx of $ 1.28. Really realistic price in the following weeks / months with such a low supply.

5. Useful information
DoTx is currently only available on Uniswap:

More information (in English):
- Official website:
- White paper:
- GitHub:
- Medium:
- Trello:

Social networks:
- Twitter:
- Telegram:
- Discord:

I hope this little presentation clarified the details of the project. The team and I are available here and on social media to answer your questions.

Have a nice day, everyone!
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