These threads are becoming really tiresome, and I hat stupid great images that contribute nothing to the post.
Another one to ignore.
If you wrote, then you did not ignore it. So you are interested in this
Are you satisfied with everything?
6) Introduce the official sale of merits. Example: Copper Member - is working model of financial side. Price for 10 merit: 0.01 BTC. This measure will stop the black market, and will also provide resources to improve the technical, software and human resources of Bitcointalk forum.
Your idea of selling merit shows an absolute lack of understanding of why this merit system was set in the first place, along with saying that "ranks are used in campaigns that will soon pass" which then would make paying for ranking illogical thus rendering your whole argument nonsensical.
You are not proposing to change the merit system, you are proposing to radically change the forum into a pure advertising web which cannot end up in anything but its own self-destruction as new users will find only commercial "advice".
The merit sources system works for the following:
a) Merit sources are under public scrutiny and cannot give merit without a good reason.
b) The rest of the users can act maliciously and exchange or sell merit, but that is limited to approximately 2x the merit they are legitimately able to earn, thus the damage of malicious behavior is controlled.
Your posting and merit summary has also come to my notice. You are actually posting texts including a copyright notice. Are you aware that this is a public forum? Also, you have exchanged merit with another user including sending 2 merit for this post, basically a copy of a press release:
"Cтpaтeгичecкoe пapтнepcтвo мeждy SHARE Creative (aгeнтcтвoм пpeoбpaзoвaния мapкeтингa) и SETHER (интeллeктyaльнoй плaтфopмoй для coциaльнoгo мapкeтингa) пoзвoлит знaчитeльнo ycкopить пpoцecc внeдpeния тexнoлoгии блoкчeйн бpeндaми. Бpeнды пoлyчaт дocтyп к лyчшим в cвoeм poдe тexнoлoгии и ycлyгaм для внeдpeния cмapт-кoнтpaктoв. Этo oзнaчaeт, чтo клиeнты SHARE, тaкиe кaк Sky, Southern Comfort, North Face и Jeep пoлyчaт вoзмoжнocть yпpaвлeния cвoими пoдpaздeлeниями, aвтoмaтизaции pacчeтoв и пpoвepки peзyльтaтoв cвoиx мapкeтингoвыx кaмпaний, иcпoльзyя eдинyю плaтфopмy. SHERE плaниpyют пoдключить cвoиx клиeнтoв yжe пocлe зaпycкa бeтa-вepcии, в мapтe"
As I said, it is great to have a system in which you can only cause minor damage.