
Topic: Project!!investors welcome.Short term,low risk,small loan with 100% transparncy (Read 2758 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
anonymous decided to fund 400$ granted I pay the initial loan of 10 coins by feb 1st.

If anything changes I will let you all know.

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
So I had a Question from a member asking in which format would they be payed back on, The definitive loan duration, and the Interest rate. They are as follow.

a)They may choose either bitcoins or USD .I Prefer to pay them in USD for convience reasons but at the end of the day Its to them, I Believe they did the favor for me so Im sure I can do the same.

b) 4 Months.

c) Im leaving the rate up for negotian between us. So as both parties are happy.

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
So below I have a Project that I am currently active and already have the ball rolling. What Im looking for currently is Either someone to take on This Entire project as far as investing in it, or a few people whole are interested in each making a small investment. The Enitire amount needed is approximately is 30BTC  400$ And if you read below at the proposal that the investment cost is about 1/10 of what the profit is expected to be on the low end. And at the most 45BTC or 600$.We could use additional funds because of the nature of our project so ill leave that up to those who want a larger return.

I currently have 1 investor tradefortress who is interested in this as well. I did not want to tie just 1 investors money but also give others the oppurtunity to make a little profit as well. This is a 3 1/2 month long , small to mid loan with a low risk percentage due to the lagalization and proper ducmentation

 Now when I say " I" or "we" I mean me and my mentor who is an important person to not only me, but this project. Because of there experience and proven track record they have Im very lucky and grateful and to have them help me along and teach me.

or maybe 4 investors can do it split 4 ways. I will provide everything from my drivers licence, ssn, facebook, email, phone number, address and a picture of me and todays date, with my user name and if you need it with a newspaper thats fine.  Additional Information if needed will be giving upon request. I also have pictures right now of this project that i can email you if your interested.

Now before I get further I want everyone who looks at this to know a couple things.
1) This is completely legal where I live
2) This is a legal and licensed project
3) During the entirety we will never stray from the law to protect not only us but the investments of those who choose to invest in my project.
4) The setup is already In the middle of moving 1 phase to the next and with the beginning of the next is when we will be accommodating me and adding my additional units so this is where in investment is needed.
5) This is something I have plenty of experience and successful completions but Will be accompanied with help of my mentor who as I have said before has decades experience and is a cancer survivor who knows exactly the type of product and quality we need to be successful and has not only the know how to achieve that but the equipment too. Which she has kindly offered me to have my legal amount to be housed and grown at her location at the cost of me doing all the labor for the both of our crops and purchasing the additional equipment / materials in order to accommodate my grow.

Below is the business plan I had drawn up
--2013 Business proposal--

The purpose of this loan is to invest in a legal medical marijuana grow located in washington. With the new law Washington Initiative 502 (I-502) that was passed December 06 2012 It has opened so many doors to a legitimate way of taking control of an individuals right to medical marijuana and how they choose to provide for tones self. The Benefits for medical marijuana can range from the extreme such as pain relief for those with cancer to the other end of the spectrum like anxiety. The law states that, a patient is legally allowed to grow up 15 plants and posses up to 24 ounces  of dried product.It also allows others to grow for other medical marijuana patients.Those who grow for others are known as primary care providers. Now with a medical marijuana dispensary you can choose to be part of their collective and not buy but (donate a suggested price). This allows the dispensary to either increase their plants per patient over all for there own grow to provide for their patients, or for patients to grow for the dispensary. For my situation I will be adding my legal limit of 15 to her current 15 and currently talking about having a 3rd person to obtain a licence but who does not wish to be apart of our grow other then helping us expand to a total 45 plants.The process in which you “donate” your product to the despensary but are inreturn compensated back in money is completely legal provided you follow state laws and regulations as well as your dispensaries guidelines.The wording is more important then anything else, selling and purchasing are replaced with words or phrases “suuggested donation” If you look below i have copy and pasted the legal interpretation and many different way to abide by this law.

       You skip this part and continue after the dotted line then come back if time is an issue.
WA Department of Health Rules define the 60 Day Supply limit as up to 15 plants and 24 ounces of dried medicine.  Here, we provide some ideas on how to grow medical cannabis legally, without the risk of arrest.


Cannabis is a hardy weed that grows vigorously.  If you throw a few seeds on the ground in June, and pray for rain, you might just find a huge bush of pot flowers in the fall.  But that wild mess of green vegetable matter will definitely not be suitable for medical use by terminally ill patients.  The orderly production of fruiting plants is much easier to plan than to execute, and cultivation of cannabis for medical use is a fine art that requires years of experience to master.  The following profiles on potential yields presume the grower already has the prerequisite education and expertise in cannabis cultivation.  Novice cannabis growers will not be able to replicate these numbers in most cases.

The assortment of varieties of medical cannabis is another uncontrolled variable.  Some of the most potent marijuana strains are derived from crosses between the Indica and Sativa varieties, which tend to have greater stem length creating slightly less flower nodes, and therefore less finished medicine than the pure Indica varieties that are usually preferred for indoor production.  (Tall Sativa strains are more suitable for outdoor gardens, which are not specifically covered here.)  The yield estimates given may have significant variation depending on the varieties and methods employed.

Patient use

The issue of patient use is separate from but fundamental to a realistic understanding of these limits on cultivation.  In service with marijuana patients in and around Seattle, I have conducted a survey through patient self-reports in written correspondence incorporated into the medical records of more than one hundred Lifevine members in the Seattle area.  This patient population is comprised of approximately 50% HIV/AIDS patients with the remaining categories of Cancer, Crohn’s, epilepsy, Hepatitis C, Intractable pain, multiple sclerosis, and other illnesses accounting for the other half, Hepatitis C being the second most common ailment in this population.   From this and other studies I have conducted including years of interviews with legally qualified patients  in WA, OR, CA, and MT, I was able to determine and document the range of use of the overall population in a bell curve.

In most cases, marijuana patients use cannabis every day, though finances and availability may forestall their consumption.  A few patients may use as little as a gram or even a half of a gram per day.  That percentage is as rare as the most copious users who may use more than an ounce per week.  Though sources have claimed that some patients may use as much as one ounce or more per day, I find that theoretical notion unrealistic.  Two or at most three ounces per week are the highest amounts I have personally known in my decade of research on the subject.   On average, the middle-range of marijuana consumption by qualified patients is usually 14 to 28 grams per week of high-quality cannabis.   Again, some may need more due to potency issues as well as the tolerance factor that allows increased consumption with repeated exposure leading to diminished psychoactive effects.   For convenience, we shall presume the average patient, if given the availability, will consume up to one full ounce per week; hence, eight weeks' supply equals eight ounces of dried flowers.

Cultivation Profiles

Examples given here are general and do not account for the many pitfalls and hardships encountered by novice marijuana growers.  These estimations presume complete success in all stages and have no margin for error.  Without a doubt, maintaining a continuous supply for a typical cannabis patient with only 15 plants is a technical feat not to be accomplished without a huge investment of planning and effort.

One must first obtain marijuana plants, which may itself be a somewhat daunting task.  If starting with seeds, they must be sprouted and grown to adult maturity to cull the males.  Medical cannabis is almost universally “sensimilla” (without seeds) because the potency of the cannabis is increased when female plants are not pollinated.   That “sexing” process can take two to three months.  During that period, a law-abiding grower would have to “sex” only 15 plants, and would be forced to destroy half – the average number of males.  (This is one area where a physician could not be called to testify on a botanical question, if the defendant needed to justify the possession of 30 plants that were intended to be culled long before a potential harvest.)

Any sort of meaningful breeding program is unworkable with only 15 plants in the garden.  (Realistically, only collective gardens can undertake breeding programs under the new law.)    For simplicity of argument, we presume the patient may obtain one female plant through a seedling process or another source, and then must grow that single plant to generate progeny through cloning, the most common method of propagation.   

Profile 1:
One mother plant provides the source of 14 more.  The patient requires 8 ounces of marijuana in a 60 day period.   It will take 90 days to grow those 14 small plants large enough to yield slightly more than one half ounce of medicine each, totaling the required 8 ounces.  However, because it takes 90 days to grow a 60 day supply, using this method the patient fails to maintain a constant supply.

Profile 2:
One plant provides the source of 14 more, and again the patient requires 8 ounces per 60 days.  If the growing time is increased from 90 to 120 days, it is possible for the experienced grower to produce 16 ounces or more of finished medicine.  Thus, the patient is able to maintain a constant supply, except for the small matter of the next generation.  In order to insure the next cycle is on track, at least one plant must provide the next set of starts, and those must be cloned and rooted while the previous 14 are almost ready for harvest.  (This is another area where a testifying physician could not answer a botanical question, if a patient needed to justify the possession of 14 large plants and 14 small starts during the short period where rooting and the final weeks of flower development could overlap.)   

If the grower is a strong expert who has overcome the many pitfalls and difficulties associated with producing huge plants, it is possible to produce two or more ounces per plant in a 120 day period.  Because there is an additional allowance of 24 ounces of finished product, it is even possible for the expert grower with average needs to maintain a 60-day supply while possessing only 15 plants.  However, there is also the risk of exceeding the 24-ounce limit by producing 14 plants bearing two ounces each, totaling 28 ounces, or more.  This method presents a complication, when the patient requires more than one ounce per week.  In that case, the grower might not be able to maintain a constant supply without exceeding the limit.

Profile 3: 
One plant provides the source of 14 more, and again the patient requires 8 ounces per 60 days.  However, in this example, the patient does not want to wait 4 or 5 months for harvest. The grower propagates 7 starts at a time aiming for a two-legged cycle.  (This method requires at least two separate grow rooms to accommodate the two stages of development.)

7 plants grown under 1000-Watt lights, with proper pruning and staking, may produce the 1.15 ounces required to satisfy the 8-ounce requirement in a 100-day period of growth. The second 7 plants must then enter the cycle about 30 to 40 days after the first 7, to develop another 8 ounces for the following 60-day period, ad infinitum.  Because of the allowance of 24 ounces dried medicine to be possessed in conjunction with the live plants, it is possible to place the second set sooner than 30 days after the first set of 7, thereby increasing the second cycle’s yield at harvest, potentially leading to a surplus under optimum conditions.  he technique is not as complicated as it may seem, but insuring precise yield results can only be accomplished through experience.

The cycling of cannabis plants through three stages of development – small starts, mid-size vegetative plants, and larger flowering plants – is clearly the most rapid and most productive method.  However, the technique requires ample floor space, drainage, air filtration and venting, management of growing media, and of course, at least three high-voltage light systems.  Rent, electricity, hardware selection, installation and maintenance and time-consuming labor, all add up to a huge burden few severely ill individuals can bear.

Profile 4:
When a group of fup to ten patients pool their resources and cultivate cannabis together as one legal entity, the practical difficulties associated with plant limits described above are largely obviated.  Due to the cost and time commitment needed to produce the amounts of medicine listed above, many patients have joined collective cultivation groups.  In collective gardens, 15 plants per patient is quite sufficient; however, such patient groups must now maintain the new threshold of 45 plants per garden, in accordance with the 2011 amendment to WA state law RCW 69.51A, which assumes that not every collective member will require the maximum allowed number of plants.


To comply with legal requirements, cannabis cultivators must have strong knowledge of this little-known subject.  In virtually every example, first-time growers do not produce large amounts of high-quality medicine.  On the other hand, there are also a few cases, where a novice has inadvertently over-planted and produced far more than intended.  The new legal constraints are a challenge, but livable given adequate planning and effort to avoid the numerous difficulties and risks involved with growing medical cannabis.


The business model that I have created follows my mentors already proven structure and method to creating a sustainable and profitable way of living through the growing of legal medical marijuana in the state of washington. With a complete understanding of state law and following them to remain legal we will ensure our legality and will be successful. In the simplest way the
model follows as is.

1) First and foremost get growing! The maximum legal amount
2) Research and compile a dispensary list and there purchasing prices to maximize profits
3) Setup a second grow to follow  behind because this will be a perpetual harvest not a one time deal
4) Continue to stay on top of the laws and make sure we are up to date.
5) sell to the highest buyer and create report/relationships with the dispensaries
6) Immediately pay of the loan if it has not already been paid
7) Repeat

This grow is something that I will work extremely hard at and try to gain legitimate respect from my peers or those who may think that this is not a viable means for income .As this will be how I choose to make my living. With the legalization I Am so happy that i can now (if i choose to) support a family and have this be my daily job and get paid very well something 9i enjoy doing already and not be labeled a criminal.With that being what drives me I think that it will only promote a legal and professional way of presenting and conducting this grow. And its something close to my heart as my mentor is a surviving cancer patient and i9 have seen the true medicinal/ pain relieving qualities it has on its patients.

In the search for a legal and safe location , one of my potential options and first choice was my mentor.She has been growing just as long as I have been alive and she is a wealth of knowledge that is invaluable to me. She has setup already a legal medical grow and already has laid the groundwork for how you grow, sell and deal with medical marijuana whether selling / donating to the dispensaries or to other legal patients. Talking with her she explained her growing pains when she first started and also the pros and cons of starting something like this on your own. And with a long conversation we came to the agreement/ arrangement that it would make better economic sense for not only me but for her as well. The Benefits are listed below
1) Able to use her space and equipment
2) Do not have to settle for cheaper equipment
3) Safe location, legal , proven location , many successful grows and posted documentation
4) 3 dedicated rooms that were custom built for this purpose
5) I am able to start january 1st( already started to take the cuttings of clones)
6) I do not have to pay for seeds or mess around with  unproven strains and have to pay more. She already has 2 mother plants that have proven genetics and medical grade qualities(proven strain)
7) Im able to further my knowledge and have A master grower who is able to assist me everyday.
 This allows me to increase my success rate and decrease my loan amount.
9) And most of all is that this will not be a 1 time grow but to be setup alongside her perpetual grow cycle which means every 2 months maybe less where were able to harvest more and continue to reap the profits.

My arrangement with her is that I am to do all the labor for both of our systems and also provide  additional equipment to accommodate 15 more plants but also pay half of what the power bill is.

Like most people I believe in holding people accountable and to a certain standard. And the only way i see that completely possible is with 100% transparency. Keeping you up to date with not only the day to day operations, weekly reports and pictures of the progress but also receipts of the things i purchased so that you know that its actually being spent on the project and not elsewhere. Knowing that its been responsibly used for the project should instill additional confidence of a your return. Below I have a list of things that you may request to be apart of the contract or maybe just a few of them interest you.

1)Mandatory weekly reports that are to be submitted by sunday and no later than 5pm   pacific time.Daily reports can be requested as needed.
2)Receipts of items purchased to be scanned and submitted with weekly report.
3)Pictures of the operations and pictures of the things purchased. As well as pictures of the entire operation in the beginning so you can see what im walking into. to be submitted with the weekly report.
4)Itinerary or manifest for what we have planned for the next week.

Currently the grow room has 4 1000w hps grow lights complete with ballast, the grow room is also fitted with a 5 ft charcoal scrubber for exhaust and a small hole that leads outside for fresh air. The grow operation has 3 distinct stages and each stage is a room of its own. There is a room for the cloning process which is fitted with fluorescent lighting that is the ideal spectrum for seedlings and clones. The second room is for vegetative and mother plants. The rooms is fitted with a 1 of the Hps light that is on a timer 18/6 to keep them growing in the vegetative state. This allows the mother plant to never bud which is where our supply of clones come from. The mother plants are a proven strain that have very good genetics, and proven success. the strain is a medical strain known as(insert) The 3rd room is for flowering and it set with 2 of the hps lights because at this stage there are always more plants flowering and they require more light. The light schedule is 12/12 to mimic the winter photo period.

The times are as followed for growth in number of days and the stage in which they are.

2-4 weeks in the clone stage
3-4 weeks in the vegetative stage
4 weeks approx in the flowering stage

We are taking our cuttings and rooting the clones tomorrow on the 1st of january so you can expect mid april at the latest from clone to harvest and sale of this product(time in which it is actually bought) is included in this estimate. However these are plants and cannot anticipate variables that could set the grow back. But my mentor undertstands the loan agreement and if something were to happen to my crop I she would be right there to support me and correct the situation so that no matter what we will see a profit. Now heres the good stuff. She estimates average 3-4 ounce per plant and if you times that by just my base 15 plants average on the low end 50 ounces and the sale of them at 140$ is 7000$on the first harvest legal. even at 100 per ounce which is ⅓ the street price(street prices are actually what set the legal prices, kinda odd I know) thats 5000$ and if the perpetual harvest method is put in place were looking at every 2 months pulling in a harvest like that. So thats why were thinking about pulling a 45 plant model which would require 3 licence holders. We currently have 2.

Now the amount of this loan will be based on the estimate and needs of what the grow currently needs. I will not have to purchase much other then as I stated extra equipment, dirt, fertilizer etc. Currently the immediate needs are
1) Industrial rooter for our cloning process
2) rooting hormone
3) additional fertilizer and dirt (most expensive other than the lights.
3) additional equipment to accommodate my plants such as buckets, and other misc equipment.
4) and the cost of the power bill which has been quoted around 150$ split 2 ways 75$

The total amount that will be required to purchase these things will be approximately 400$
With every purchase i will keep and scan and send you the receipt to make sure that the investment is being invested right down to the penny. Now the purchasing of these products will be done at local hydroponic/ grow stores due to the accessibility and the fact that i do not have to wait or pay for shipping. I would prefer that the loan be issued if possible in USD, but if BTC is what you prefer thats fine i just hate the exchanges and want to minimize wasteful spending on fees.

The total time for the duration of this loan is till mid april. This follows the timeline of our plants being planted. Now we are in the process of getting my clones ready which marks the not just the 1st of this month but also the first month of 3 that it takes till we get to a harvest and the sale of our product. We expect mid april to be when we pay the loan(s) back with there interest as well. so 3 1/2 months  will be the duration with a possibility of being paid sooner.

If interested please contact me and let me know if you have need additional information or have questions.

gabber gabe

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