, Secure, Easy Crypto-Currency Exchange
What is AltBuddy?AltBuddy was created as the current state of the Altcoin/Bitcoin Exchange market is not satisfying all users.
We wanted to design a fast secure and easy to use Exchange that you all can grow to love.
PROMOTo celebrate the launch of alt-buddy and to gain some attention, we are doubling the first
20 users' deposits! (Up to
0.25 btc - If you deposit 0.25 we will credit your account with
0.5 btc!)
1. All you have to do is sign up at
2. Send your bitcoin (
up to 0.25) to
19dP1RJ4CeFjKG1bKj1f7rUApo33TPgMsW and post your alt-buddy username here.
3. We will check for your sent bitcoin and credit the alt-buddy account username you provided.
(Or use this QR code:) Are you guys crazy?Nope! We just want to start this exchange off with a
bang and attract some attention. After all, who would turn down
free bitcoin?
Whats the catch?There is no catch. Seriosly. Give it a try, but you better be fast! Only the first
20 users! How to contact us?Website:
[email protected]