There has been quite a lot of discussion
here in the Bitcoin forum in the last
few months about Proof-of-Stake coins.
My personal opinion about the general
sentiment here is that many people
have felt that there is too great
an energy cost to Proof of Work,
or that Proof of Stake is superior.
However, that sentiment seems to
be shifting, as people are starting
to realize there is no clear way to
ensure distributed consensus
with Proof of Stake... at least none
as robust as Bitcoin is doing with
Also, interesting that Gavin Andressen
mentioned recently he doesn't see energy
consumption as a problem and it will balance itself
out over time.
I took a look at some charts today on
These are charts VS the Bitcoin price.(mods, please don't move to altcoin section,
this is about Bitcoin PoW vs PoS)
I am wondering, do you think the price
fluctuations reflect this sentiment?
Take a look at Peercoin vs Bicoin. It
had a nice run up from November 2013
till January 2014, but since then
has faded and reversed direction.
NXT price history on cryptsy only goes
back to March... But it is increasing
in the last 30-60 days. Perhaps the
jury is still out on NXT.