I'm not from the US but what I got from it was that the banks kept giving home loans to people who probably wouldn't be able to afford it. Coz, you know, American Dream. I actually watched a video about how banks somehow "bundled" loans and "sold" them. I found it confusing but just the way they described it, you know it won't end well.
As expected, when those people defaulted on their loans, the house of cards fell apart.
The house will remain, ready to be snagged by the rich while the people go homeless. I know, some shouldn't have been given home loans to begin with but just that the system has been so lenient meant they'll pull down everyone with them.
That loans can be sold by the bank actually sound unbelievable even if I don't know the economics behind it. What's more frustrating was the banks have to be injected with taxpayer's money just to stay afloat even if they started this mess to begin with. And they had the nerve to go to Washington on private jets to beg for money, ugh.