Ok, you've caught me when I've nothing better to do..
If you want to sell an idea, you need to talk from the other person's perspective. You won't convince anyone of consequence with any of that above but you might bore them to death. If wanting something was everything, then we'd all be rich.
Clear communication follows from clear thinking. You evidently don't know enough of Bitcoin to sell the idea, let alone the opportunity specific to a particular company. They'd learn more and faster, looking on Google for 10 mins. Hell, if they invited you to present, they'd probably already know more! What are you selling?..an education to basic level!? Unless you are offering something they can't do for themselves, then you're wasting their time.
What about what I said up there about Bitcoin was wrong, specifically? The implication that I don't know much about it kind of hurts me because I love Bitcoin, and concede that I'm no expert, but think I know more about it than most people. Nonetheless that is WHY I'm posting here...
Also I'm not done yet, this is just the introduction, you know that right? I'm planning to delve deeper into the "whys." I Imagine that like most people, they'll have know clue what Bitcoin is, so I figured it made more sense to try and answer that first.
> So, to recap, Bitcoin is an open-source, deflationary, peer-to-peer, digital cryptocurrency that is decentralized. Please take a moment to let this concept sink in. In my opinion this is huge, and I hope to have explained why by the end of this paper.
Your opinion and hope, is not sufficient to interest anyone.
Go back and read it, as if you were those that you want to present to. Be cynical and critical and realistic. Consider how you are providing no facts; no evidence; and only a hope and a prayer.
Definitely, I was just considering that yesterday. I need to elaborate on what each of those things mean, and leave my opinion out of it.
In sales there is a thought "Keep It Simple Stupid". Take your audience by the hand, from where they are, to where they will want to go. Do it in easy steps with good continuity. Don't jump from one thought to the next and assume they understand what you are getting at.
Know your audience. Either they will be geeks who will want the technical detail or they will be simple folk relative to technology wanting reasons that there is an opportunity for them to consider Bitcoin as part of their future. The best sales are easy; a clear example of how their peers are actioning sales with Bitcoin right now in the real world.
I accept this as a valid point. I will take another look at it and try to simplify everything I wrote. Also thank you, this is good generic persuasive writing advice that I can apply to this.
But first you need to know what you are talking of.. Do you own Bitcoins? Have you spent Bitcoins in the real world and online? Have you done that with your phone; have you done it with paper. What experience do you have that your audience does not? What makes you unique or rare enough to be useful? Bitcoin is unique but right now; from what's above, you look to be someone who's been on the internet for a week.
Also, you have no idea what peer review and research is, if that above is the basis of what you want to submit.
Enthusiasm is not enough.. good luck turning that into effort and learning, that does become useful.
Ah, I was planning to wait until I was done writing and include a disclaimer about how I own and use Bitcoin in the interest of fairness. Think I should drop it earlier on?
Also I can't tell if you're suggesting I put that information directly into the paper, or just asking me these questions or both.
Maybe I could put something in like "I've been using Bitcoin for at least a year on various goods and services, and recently decided to invest in some bitcoins to save for speculation, and this is what I've learned yadayadayada..."
Ok maybe peer review and research weren't the right terms.
Proofreading, happy?
Whenever you are trying to convince people (or sell something), try starting with the Why?:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuAI've done this a couple of times and the discussion with people afterwards is completely different (= better).
Good luck!
I will take another look at my approach with this in mind. Thanks I found this useful!
Davidpbrown, I realize you find my attempt feeble and kind of get the impression that you see my writing as beneath you intellectually, and that's fine, you're probably right.
But please help me. Everyone who reads this. EDIT: Not "please help me," you are doing that. What I meant was "please take this seriously."
I may be dumb, but I'm in a unique position right now to let the right eyes read this, and I need to pick my words right.
Also I do plan to take my time on this.
I'm not going to submit this, next week, or next month, or anytime soon until it's been revised to brilliance.