crairezx20 Thank you for your comment and concern as well.
The transaction does not go through us, we list the properties for sale that will accept Bitcoin and properties wanted to purchase using Bitcoin, for free.
We would like to see purchasing real estate using Bitcoin as a normal process in the future. Buying or selling real estate using Bitcoin is not rocket science, basically the same legal steps you would take using any dollar. It is hard to be scammed since you have to go through title companies etc.
BitCoin RealEstate
I agree with you and support this. Personally I would never buy a properly without seeing it with my own eyes.
Yes paying in bitcoin is merely the method of trade. They will have to evaluate the property and pass safety standards and all those things. You will deal with a lawyer and all that. I myself am saving to buy some property with bitcoin one day ^^
Why is there no sorting by country ?