Looking good. Somehow it recovered from that loss, until..
Got it down to -82000, then either the algo changed or it started acting different. All I did was simply choose left/right, then click w/e won the first round twice, then alternate 11 times (this method isn't guaranteed at 15+ bets).
100%: ..
92%: ..
I basically did that a lot, doing 1U bet for the first, then max for the rest, never more than 14 bets, then refresh (sorry if I hit your servers too hard!)
Did I beat it? :p
You did do some good damage there. As you noticed, it is mostly deterministic so if you repeat the pattern you keep winning. Playing few times definitely beats it as it doesn't try to link your current session to any of your previous sessions, so it can't even have a chance of collecting a greater amount of data.
The algorithm takes a different route after hitting those levels, but it is still trying to figure out what you are likely to bet next. So it's a matter of finding out what kind of change took place.
The server told me it's fine, btw, keep hitting
If you guys could go ahead and beat it for good, i.e. make it lose more ~26k units, then I could put up some notice about it going bankrupt and maybe announce a new experiment in some time.
PS: My replies will take long to occur.