The US has a truly huge welfare state its true and its unusual in that most welfare goes to people who are well off. Whatever else you say, to call a system that pays the well off at the expense of the less well off a marxist is simply silly.
So much for your poor living in luxury. Or did you really mean the well-off are the poor living in luxury ?
I think the poor would take exception to your claims.
But the US? You have a country where people have more food than they can eat. The food deserts thing is a myth cooked up by your liberal press. Food cooked outside the home like fried chicken costs much more than fresh home cooked food - you just have lot of people who can easily afford their deep fried treats.
Cheap filler fast food is not nutritional food. Its junk. Go try to buy FRESH unprocessed natural fruits, vegitables, meats, dairy and grains. You food bill will rise exponentially.
Now if you raise livestock and grow your own, it breaks the high cost structure.
This statement of yours tells me you have absolutely no experience in the area of buying any food other than the fast food you think is more expensive than healthy food choices.
The point I am making to you is that you should not assume you need a crisis to change things. People are open to new ideas and change already. Why not offer them your ideas and see if they take off instead of waiting for a crisis that is not coming?
We are placed inside a box expertly crafted to give us the appearance of choice. It called the left-right lib-con political process/paradigm otherwise known as voting. We must pick a side. No matter what choice is made the end result is identical, save the kitchen table wedge issues spoon fed to us to keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of coming together as humanity for the betterment of our way of life and our people. The will of the people be damned.
That is what divides us, conquers us, and prevents any meaningful change from ocurring. Good ideas meant to break this cycle are stifled and those presenting them are either marginalized or compromised. I completely agree with your good ideas theory. But thats all it is. Good ideas only make it if someone can make money from them or attach binders to them. Good ideas should not need to be legislated. If we cause no harm and honor our agreements, thats all that matters. But good ideas are often legislated right out of existance at the point of a gun, and the loss of our freedoms and wealth.
Add to all of that peoples indoctrination and manipulation, and their overall apathy and disinterest, you will have no meaningful change until people are dying in the streets, poor, homeless, hungry, and cold... until people see the tyranny and oppression for what it truly is. Even then most will be begging government to help them thereby exacerbating the problems more.
It only took 3% of the population to fight for our nations freedom.
In my opinion it all needs to burn down to the ground so we can start afresh. Thats they only way we will get our freedom and liberty back and end benefits and privilage transformation of rights.