Hi everyone
That’s unfortunate the OP encountered all the constraints of fintech sphere whilst using our service.
However, let us answer is detail to what you claim on the website. Let us explain shortly what happened as well. We received a transaction of $27500, and the client made a withdrawal request as soon as money arrived at the account. We even received a proposal to speed up the withdrawal process for an additional reward of $1000 (as you can see on the screenshots provided). The transaction was checked by AML bot which showed 100% high risk score. We had to ask the client to undergo KYC, for which he provided the documents, yet refused to confirm the information he stated during KYC and didn’t provide anything to confirm the connection between the holder of the wallet and himself (as there was none found). No explanation on how his legitimate funds became 100% high risk crypto was provided as well. Let us clarify everything in more detail
First, AMLBOT entity is a completely different company, which we have client-customer connections only. You can check full info about their company on their website
https://amlbot.com/, and you have all their legal information available at the header of the AML report. AMLbot is a trusted tool widely used (not only by us) to ensure the safety of crypto transactions, for any questions about how their system works you can address the information on their website. We must note that the AML reports like one you received are issued automatically and cannot be changed nor by us, neither by the company behind the bot itself, so there is no conspiracy to rip you off your money behind that
Second, about the data you see in the report itself: if the transaction has a risk level from 51% to 100%, that means that the tokens are either stolen, used in the Dark Market or the assets are obtained by fraud and blackmail, Mixers, exchanges and services related to illegal activity (full list of 42 positions can be found in the report you posted). You were asked by our compliance officer to provide the procurement details for the wallet and transaction in question, which you said you have, however decided not to provide. We must note that you were asked three times to confirm the information by e-mail, you decided not to, and that is the only reason behind account suspension. KYC itself is a measure not to restrain the client's ability to use the service, it is a way to protect the clientele who entrust us with the significant amount of their funds from their assets being stolen. In case the client refuses to confirm the identity, the account suspension is the only way to ensure the funds remain intact.
Third, as we are a legal entity certified by FINTRAC of Canada, we’re obliged to conclude an investigation and report all the illegal assets to the FINTRAC. That is stated in our AML Policy in the LEGAL section of our website, here is the link to your reference:
https://pst.net/legal/aml. What surprises us is that you and your lawyer decided to base you response on the FAQ section only, without studying our ToS fully. We have concluded our AML investigation and sent all the data to FINTRAC, as mentioned in the email you received from our compliance officer. And we will keep you posted about the investigation there, as we receive the information from our regulation entity. We hope that meanwhile you’ll refrain from spreading the word with incomplete information about the case and cooperate with the legal entities in providing all the necessary documents. For now we had received nothing from you apart from this thread and multiple tweets and trustpilot reviews from multiple accounts. From what it seems, your first goal is not to prove the legal entities that your funds are legitimate, but to defame our service despite our willingness to cooperate on this matter. Hope that is not so
And last, we have no connection with Hancock Whitney Bank, all the information about our card providers can be found in the disclaimer at the footer of our website. As you may know, different BIN checker services provide different information about the BINs (like our 3Ds cards shows up as Korean at some). However, as we provide cards with such BINs, we likely know well about which bank provided us with the cards, which we indicate in the disclaimer on our website. As you allegedly addressed the bank in question, we hope you receive the same information from them as well.
Hope we can resolve this issue in an amicable way!
For anyone interested in the case we must remind you that money laundering is a crime punishable by law and that we strongly advise not to do business with such high risk partners to ensure the financial safety of your own.
P.S. Virtual address is a convenient way to settle the office without extra costs for administration matters. That is a convenient way in a modern post-covid world to manage a team and we believe that our corporate office preferences should be of least concern in this matter.