./md 8 / 3
Result: 55555555555555555555555555555554e8e4f44ce51835693ff0ca2ef01215c3
./md 2 / 3
Result: 55555555555555555555555555555554e8e4f44ce51835693ff0ca2ef01215c1
then you bruteforce in range from
you need only 2 step to get
55555555555555555555555555555554e8e4f44ce51835693ff0ca2ef01215c3 = then brute you get .... c1, ...c2,... c3
only 2 3 step instaed of 8 then you brute from 1 to 8
this is one of most used ideas of this shit. Shit this is real shit what is too hard or imposible use in real cracking / bruting world.
Are you saying that this is one of the methods of finding out a public key of an address that never revealed its public key, but we know a range of its private keys (Although it is still almost impossible to brute force the private key itself)?
Suppose that there is an address:
The range of its private keys is:
Starting key:
Which is (36893488147419103232). Which is also exactly equal to 2^65.
Ending key:
Which is (73786976294838206463). Which is also exactly equal to 2^66.
Using ecctools we would have to:
In this case we would get 2 numbers 66 numbers apart from each other.
Meaning that we have 66 numbers (combinations) at our disposal.
In this scenario, What would the numbers represent? What are they? Private keys? Public keys? Something else?
Why would they be valuable for brute forcing a specific public key (or may be a private key)?