But seeing more and more companies take a part in Bitcoin investment, is absolutely amazing. This indicates that even the owners of big companies are confident with the future of Bitcoin. They are no longer afraid to put their money in Bitcoin as future assets.
Read: https://www.thestreet.com/crypto/bitcoin/what-big-company-will-buy-bitcoin-next
I really can't believe that list to be correct. I would expect an exchange like Binance to own possibly close to 100,000 Bitcoin or even more. Just do the calculation what they collect in fees on a daily basis and multiply it with a reasonable average factor for the time they are around. That is just insane. I once thought that the 5 biggest exchanges in the world are probably controlling most of the Bitcoin supply and can hence manipulate the market close to perfectly. Do they really convert all the fees they collect straight into fiat? I don't believe that.
Oh, and where is Craig Steven Wright on that list? He must be pissed seeing that!