Hey guys,
As I can't post somewhere else yet (quite frustrating, because I know exactly who can help me, but I can't reply in his topic). Maybe some of you guys know?
For technical reasons that I won't go into detail about, a large part of my machines are identical devices (Good core I5, 4 GB ram, integrated gfx card). As GPU mining is impossible I looked forward towards CPU mining and landed myself with Purecoin.
Been playing around with my personal machine and mining works reasonably well. And now I wanted to give the rest of my machines a go, the catch is that these are all x86 devices and miners are generally x64 as it's a lot faster (nothing I can do about it I'm afraid). Found myself the following miner (x86)
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/updxpm-primecoin-miner-cpu-windows-onlyx86x64lpre-alpha18-perf-340985Now, this guys calculates not in PPS (like other miners seem to do) but with knumps (kilonumbers per second).
While mining I can't see the number of knumps I'm getting (perhaps I'm just blind, but I can't find it). Now suppose I can find it, I would like to know +- how many PPS I can compare this number to. So I can calculate if it's worth my time.
*I can't really get it figured myself without extra info, not a math wizard I'm afraid
Maybe 1 of you fine people have any idea how I should proceed?