Watch the video near the bottom of the report at the site.
MEDICAL SHOCKER: The “other” China Virus – the deadly Chinese pig circovirus purposely engineered into the U.S. rotavirus vaccinations given to children
Why would a vaccine manufacturer put strains of a deadly animal virus in a vaccine that’s supposed to help prevent children from getting bacterial infections that cause diarrhea? Nobody can answer that question, including CHOP-man Offit.
Back in 2008, vaccine industry puppet Offit pocketed millions of Pharma dollars for inventing this dirty vaccine. His ultimate goal is to have every infant in America injected with multiple strains of deadly pig viruses by age two. The striking similarities between the side effects from getting the Rotavirus vaccine and the health problems the oral vaccine is supposed to protect against are overwhelmingly congruent. Take a look.
The vaccine supposedly protects against rotavirus infection that causes fever, vomiting and diarrhea, leading to loss of body fluids, dehydration, hospitalization and death. Yet, the vaccine itself commonly causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever, wheezing, coughing, ear infection, severe stomach pain, blood in the stool and intussusception, where part of the intestine gets blocked or twisted.
Deadly pig virus infections cause the same critical health conditions as the deadly rotavirus vaccines – coincidence?
The deadly disorder called intussusception, most likely caused by Rotavirus vaccines, causes part of the bowel to slide into the next section, like a telescope
Worried about catching the deadly China virus? Avoid getting vaccines that contain deadly Chinese porcine virus strains