On the service purse.io, on the italian section there are currently nearly 50 offers, while in the spain section only 10 now.
A friend suggested that this can be because you have HalCash service, but I'm not sure that this is the right answer.
On purse.io, users can use credit/debit card to buy Bitcoin, and this will not visible on their Account balance history, there will be only Amazon payments.
User can also get Amazon products with a good discount of even 15% or more.
Also, purse is good for companies because they their bosses can use their company credit card to buy Bitcoin (making simple amazon purchases) and then use the bought bitcoins to pay in black money to some of their employees.
So, for this reason I think that HalCash isn't the good answer to my question.
I think than that there is probably another service that I don't know, that it is good to buy bitcoin with credit cards, in some hidden way, or more simpler, the spanish community is smaller than the italian