When we saw the g7 meeting
Anyone can tell those government presidents priministers are not dominant.
World most true leaders are.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, vladinid Putin.
That's it other ones are too soft nobody dont listen them.
But If Putin Trump or Putin Will Say Something nobody Don't argue with them.
But right now Biden are most powrrful and respected.
Just truedea... boris johonson... merkel... Those are not authority Kind of persons.
Conclusion only USA and Russia are with balls.
Like tony Montana said only thing what gives orders are balls You Got balls You Got respected.
So Question is Why the other countries uk Europe Can't have leaders who can really lead?
Bush was strong leader also obama...
Also David Cameron was person who's words have weight.
Europe countries leaders words have no weight...
Uk People Still Don't understood Why They replaced strong and smart leader as David Cameron with bori Johnson?
But right Now top person in the World who's words have weight are joe biden.
Not Even Putin Can't compete with Biden.
The G7 is a joke. China doesn't respect Joe Biden. No one respects Joe Biden, he is a demented, decrepit, zombie that belongs in a nursing home. He can't talk. They have to drug him up so he can even speak. The only real leader there is Putin and the only other real leader missing was Xi of China. Now I don't really like either of them but at least they have more balls than the puppet Biden.
China scoffs at G7’s ‘international system’, says days when world was controlled by a ‘small group’ are over
https://www.rt.com/news/526428-china-g7-response/“We always believe that countries, big or small, strong or weak, poor or rich, are equals, and that world affairs should be handled through consultation by all countries. The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone,” a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in London said on Saturday in response to the rhetoric coming from Cornwall.
And yall call Trump a dictator? Biden is cutting off our energy and food supplies as we speak. Wake up!!!! If Trump was a dictator then he would have knocked the congress and Senate and just took over sort of a reverse El Salvador situation where their President kicked out the Justices there leaving the congress. But did he? No he left office so you can't blame him for anything anymore.
The purpose of the G7 was to pin a 15% minimum tax on all corporations within it by a "country by country basis" meaning everyone gets taxed at 15% besides any corporations registered with China or anyone else outside of the G7.
Biden and G-7 leaders will endorse a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15%