Yes, we remember the negative moments. But the big question is, what did he do, as you say, good for the country?
Putin organized international trade, and was making Russia stronger while helping other nations. The US became jealous of Russia, and started messing in Russian affairs through Ukraine. And this only served to make Russian trade stronger.
Putin could have order a nuclear strike on the US and others, but once he saw how easy it was to use their stupidity against them, he simply chuckled, and doubled down on his international trade.
What a beauty, nothing is missing! Everything is exactly the opposite. It is only necessary to add to the full picture, namely the murder and poisoning of thousands of people, the suppression of dissent in Russia and the elimination of Democracy.
You are probably right that Putin killed people. He was KGB, for crying out loud. But these days, all you need to do is look at the world's news to see that Putin is attempting friendly trade, and that it is the US and Western Europe who are trying to block it.
It bothers me a little that you are making yourself out to be a know-nothing like this. The best you could do is stop being such a fanatic, and present both sides of the arguments, so that people could see that you knew a little about what you are saying.
Up to you, of course. But don't be surprised that there is blood when you keep shooting yourself in the foot like that.