I noticed how easy it is to sign-up without a referral code, and to remove the referral code from the hyperlink, and this sparked concern.
I think if the service fee from a non-referred sign-up is not distributed equally to all users, it should not be possible to sign up without a referral link, thus encouraging sign-ups to use the referral link provided to them. You should also implement a function that locks a specific referral link to an IP address, or uses a cookie, so that if I refer a user to view the page, they are tied to my account for x amount of days.
Sorry about the slow reply I've been away with family over the festive season!
Sure I don't mind talking about it - the service fee goes straight to the house.
I thought about distributing it in some way but it's just cleaner not too. I really want to keep the rules as simple as possible and having some strange random spread starts to get confusing. Say there's 10'000 members and someone new signs up at the base, should everyone get 50 mbtc / 10'000? That doesn't really make sense and somehow randomly sharing out a larger share, say 2 mBTC to a few members isn't clear and predictable.
I'll add tracking of the incoming referral address to my TODO that does make sense