(not about the script part ..about the server part)
About dedicated server / what exactly is that /where do i buy it / do i need any special configurations for each script?
Best would be a frontend web server, which can be anything, but should have a static address. Run your bitcoind on a machine you have physical access to.
http://www.bitronictech.net/aff.php?aff=061 is a great webhost, and pretty cheap as well.
And how should i link between both of them?
The script to connect to bitcoind should be on your frontend webserver, that is why I said use a static ip address, so only that server can connect to your bitcoind.
And nothing should be changed on the bitcoind? (that i should run on my local pc as i understand)
You need to edit the config file so it allows the connection between the frontend server and the bitcoind. Also you need to turn the server part on.