1) What problems have you recently encountered regarding online gambling? (or what have you disliked recently?)
The problem that I will voice is one that gamblers face all the time (and not just recently) and it’s called KYC.
2) How would you solve this problem?
This can be solved easily and simply, namely, by completely abolishing KYC for gamblers. If you, as a casino owner, demand KYC from gamblers, then be kind enough to first provide your own KYC, because among the casinos there are a great many scams that steal (take away under fictitious pretexts) the money of their clients.
Otherwise, a strange picture emerges: the gambler deposits money into a casino account (in fact, loses it), provides KYC, and the casino owners remain incognito.
The gambler and the casino must know and trust each other, and this is only possible with complete openness (KYC) on both sides. If one party remains hidden, then this is an opportunity for deception and fraud.
Either KYC the gambler and the casino, or cancel the KYC.
It sounds utopian, but the
any ideal casino should be like this.